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瀏覽人次 61034333
最後更新 2024/03/04
* 網路安全政策

蘭花 蜘蛛百合 金英樹
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1. How to offer my opinions or advice to the university?

A. Person to person

You are welcome to provide your thoughts to the Secretariat Office or the units concerned. We will document your opinions, and reply immediately or later.

B. Via phone

Please call our operator at 05-2717000, who will refer you to the units concerned.

C. Via fax

Please fax your thoughts to 05-2717095. Upon receiving your fax, the Clerical Management Division, Office of General Affairs, will refer your opinions or suggestions to the units concerned.

D. Via mail

You may write us at: No.300 Syuefu Rd., Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan (R.O.C.). Upon receiving your mail, the Clerical Management Division, Office of General Affairs, will refer your opinions or suggestions to the units concerned.

E. Via email

Please write to the email address of the units concerned or us at secretary@mail.ncyu.edu.tw, complete with your name, email address, subject and opinions. We will refer your suggestions to the units concerned with a carbon copy to the Secretariat Office. It takes about 3 days to reply your email (depending on the contents of the letter).


2. How to schedule a visit to the University Archives?

A. Welcome to visit the University Archives, situated on the 2nd floor of the Administration Building, Lantan campus. Please fill in the application form (available for download at https://ncyuweb.ncyu.edu.tw/secretary/content.aspx?site_content_sn=45326) and submit it to the Secretariat Office seven days ahead of your visit.

B. All historical materials at the University Archives are available for reading at the room (not for borrowing).

C. Any copy or photo of the archives shall not be reproduced or used for commercial purposes.

D. To contact the Secretariat Office, please dial 05-2717008~7011 or email us at secretary@mail.ncyu.edu.tw.


3. Are there any publications by the Secretariat Office?

Yes, they include e-paper, alumni newsletters, annual reports, etc. Please contact the Secretariat Office at 05-2717008~12 for further information.


4. How to apply for news release on campus events?

A. Please draft a newsletter containing 600 to 800 words, and email it along with relevant materials (i.e. event proposal) to the Public Relations Section at news@mail.ncyu.edu.tw three to five days ahead of the event. Please include in your email the following information: name, department or unit, telephone number, cell phone number and email address, and confirm via phone (ext. 7002).

B. Newsletters should include 5W1H information (who, where, when, what, why, and how).

C. The newsletter will be released based on its newsworthiness. 



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