* Global Master Program of Tourism and Management *
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** 常見問答
*日期 類別 標題 檔案 發布單位
* 2012-11-16 Which emergency numbers I need to know for safety? 外籍生全英文授課觀光暨管理碩士學位學程
* 2012-11-16 Are international students allowed not to get the health insurance in Taiwan? 外籍生全英文授課觀光暨管理碩士學位學程
* 2012-11-16 What do I need to know about Taiwan? 外籍生全英文授課觀光暨管理碩士學位學程
* 2012-11-16 How can I improve my English/Chinese language skills? 外籍生全英文授課觀光暨管理碩士學位學程
* 2012-11-16 Can I apply for TA/RA jobs? 外籍生全英文授課觀光暨管理碩士學位學程
* 2012-11-16 Are there any on-campus jobs for international students? 外籍生全英文授課觀光暨管理碩士學位學程
* 2012-11-16 When do the International students know whether they have received the scholarship? 外籍生全英文授課觀光暨管理碩士學位學程
* 2012-11-16 Which scholarships International students can apply? 外籍生全英文授課觀光暨管理碩士學位學程
* 2012-11-16 How to receive authentication of my diploma and transcript? 外籍生全英文授課觀光暨管理碩士學位學程
* 2012-11-08 What score of English proficiency test is required for admission to NCYU? 外籍生全英文授課觀光暨管理碩士學位學程

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傳真:(05) 273-2805            通訊地址:60054 嘉義市新民路580號  

聯絡電話:(05) 273-2817           EMAIL:mtm@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

      MTM(中)                      MTM(Eng.)

