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** News/最新消息

日  期:2012-05-09
類  別:
標  題:MTM Introduction

National Chiayi University (NCYU)

The Master of Tourism and Management (MTM) Program

National Chiayi University (NCYU) now has six colleges, which include seven doctoral programs, 42 full-time master’s degree programs, twelve part-time master’s degree programs, and 38 undergraduate programs. NCYU is one of the oldest and largest universities in the southern part of Taiwan. National Chiayi University (NCYU) is one of the few comprehensive universities in the southwestern part of Taiwan, covering a wide range of domains, including Life Science, Agriculture, Management, Science and Engineering, Humanities and Arts, and Education.


 The Master of Tourism and Management (MTM) Program

1. All the courses in the MTM program are taught in English.

2. The requirement of this program is 24 credit hours plus a thesis written in English.

3. The focuses of this program is on tourism and/or management. Our faculty members consist of international scholars, and the faculty members from the School of Management at NCYU.

4. The mission of the program is to foster good business leadership by enriching     participants’ Asian experience.

5. This program also emphasizes theory building and practical perspectives. The program offers students the opportunities to gain professional knowledge and in conjunction with examining the importance of ethical judgment.

6. A goal is that students have solid abilities in analyzing and solving problems effectively as part of team work. 



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傳真:(05) 273-2805            通訊地址:60054 嘉義市新民路580號  

聯絡電話:(05) 273-2817           EMAIL:mtm@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

      MTM(中)                      MTM(Eng.)

