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:::* Home > Faculty Members > Hsu, Fu-Hsiung, Associate Professor

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Fu-Hsiung, Hsu PhD

Associate Professor (Chairman)






Department of Zoology   National Taiwan University        B.S.

Department of Zoology   National Taiwan University        M.S.

Department of Zoology   National Taiwan University        Ph.D.


Major: Wildlife ecology


Current research interests: Animal behavior, Community ecology, Avian ecology, Herpetology, Bioresource and conservation


Courses offered: Biology, Vertebrate, Animal Behavior, Evolution, Natural Conservation Law and Policy, Sampling and Survey of Bioresources, Lab. of Sampling and Survey of Bioresources, Ecological Theory, Advanced Biodiversity, Ecology Methodology, Research and Management Techniques for Wildlife, Special Topics in Wildlife Research, Seminar


Professional: Ecology


(A)Refered paper

Hsu, F.-H., F.-J. Lin, and Y.-S. Lin. 2000. Phylogeographic variation in mitochondrial DNA of Formosan white-bellied rat Niviventer culturatus. Zoological Studies 39(1): 38-46. (SCI)

Hsu, F.-H., F.-J. Lin, and Y.-S. Lin. 2001. Phylogeographic structure of the Formosan wood mouse, Apodemus semotus Tomas. Zoological Studies 40(2): 91-102. (SCI) (NSC-84-2321-B-190-001, NSC-85 2321-B-190-001-A19, and NSC-86-2321-B-190-004-A19)

Hsu, F.-H. 2001. Census techniques for bird surveys. Endemic Species Research 3: 81-90. (in Chinese)

Yang, C.-C., K.-J. Liaw, and F.-H. Hsu. 2001. Feeding habit of the Formosan black bear (Ursus thibetanus formosanus) in captivity. Endemic Species Research 3: 73-79. (in Chinese)

Hsu, F.-H., S.-J. Lai, C.-T. Tao, and R.-S. Lin. 2001. Assessing the bird diversity inventories using species accumulation curves. Quarterly Journal of Chinese Forestry 34: 393-408. (in Chinese)

Lai, S.-J., Y.-C. Kam, F.-H. Hsu, and Y.-S. Lin. 2002. Elevational effects on the growth and development of tadpoles of Sauter’s frog Rana sauteri Boulenger in Taiwan. Acta Zoologica Taiwanica: 13(1): 11-20.

Lin, R.-S., F.-H. Hsu, C.-T. Yao, and T.-L. Ai. 2003. Bird assemblages in relation to vegetation recovery at Mt. Jeou-jeou-fen of Taiwan after the 921 Earthquake. Endemic Species Research 5(2): 47-59. (in Chinese)

Lee, P.-F., T.-S. Ding, F.-H. Hsu, and G. Shu. 2004. Breeding bird species richness in Taiwan: distribution on gradients of elevation, primary productivity and urbanization. Journal of Biogeography 31: 307-314. (SCI)

Hsu, F.-H., C.-T. Yao, R.-S. Lin ,C.-C. Yang, and S.-J. Lai. 2004. Avian species composition and distribution along elevation gradient in the southern Taiwan. Endemic Species Research 6(2): 41-66. (in Chinese)

Yang, C.-C., W.-H. Chan, and F.-H. Hsu. 2005. Breeding Behavior of the Formosan Black Bear (Ursus thibetanus formosanus) in Captivity. Endemic Species Research 7: 1-11. (in Chinese)

Hsu, F.-H., T.-S. Ding, H.-L. Lin, and R.-Y. Fang. 2006. Avian composition and distribution at Bajhang river watershed. Chinese Bioscience 49(1): 32-50. (in Chinese)

Wang, Y.-P., L. Siefferman, Y.-J. Wang, T.-S. Ding, C.-R. Chiou, B.-S. Shieh, F.-H. Hsu*, H.-W. Yuan. 2009. Nest site restoration increases the breeding density of blue-tailed bee-eaters. Biological Conservation 142: 1748-1753. (SCI) (Corresponding author)

Chun-Fen Kuo, C.-F., Y.–K. Liao, Y.-S. Hsieh, and F.-H. Hsu*. 2010. Morphological variation of Bufo bankorensis tadpoles in different elevations and habitats. Taiwan Journal of Biodiversity 12(4) (in press) (Corresponding author) (in Chinese)

McKay, B. D., H. L. Mays, Y.-W. Peng, K. H. Kozak, C.-T. Yao, H.-W. Yuan, P.-F. Lee, and F.-H. Hsu. 2010. Recent range-wide demographic expansion in a Taiwan endemic montane bird, Steere’s Liocichla (Liocichla steerii). BMC Evolutionary Biology 10:153. (SCI)

Lee, C.-H., T.-Y. Lee, and F.-H. Hsu*. 2010. Seasonal variation of avain assemblage and distribution in the southwest marsh of Aogu wetland. Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences (submit 2010/06/07) (Corresponding author) (in Chinese)


(B)Conference paper


許富雄、姚正得、林瑞興。2002。台灣南部地區的鳥類多樣性。2002年生物多樣性保與研討會論文集。南投,台灣。Pp. 45-68

林瑞興、劉寶華、許富雄、徐慶勳、李培芬。2002。生殖季初期播放鳴聲用於調查八色鳥(Pitta nympha)的有效性。2002年生物多樣性保與研討會論文集。南投,台灣。Pp. 248-258

許富雄2002。台灣繁殖鳥類調查方法的設立。台灣繁殖鳥調查規劃及推動研討會。南投,台灣。Pp. 55-70

Hsu, F.-H, F.-J. Lin, and Y.-S. Lin. 2005. Phylogeography of murid rodents in the Central Mountain Range of Taiwan. International Mammalogical Congress. Sapporo, Japan.






李采燕、許富雄2007。棕沙燕(Riparia paludicola)繁殖與營巢棲地選擇。2007動物行為與生態暨中國生物學會聯合學術年會。花蓮。

許富雄2007。棕沙燕的群集繁殖策略。野生動物保育研究與學術研討會。台北。Pp. 163-168

許富雄、邵廣昭。2007。放生對鳥和鳥類生態的影響。「宗教、動物與環境:台灣放生現象研究」國際學術研討會。台北。Pp. 1-23




蔣功國、林瑞興、許富雄2009。雄性大灣嘴畫眉(Pomatorhinus erythrocnemis)鄰居間歌曲分享行為探討。2009動物行為暨生態學術聯合年會。台中。




(C)Other publication







許富雄2003。台灣繁殖鳥類調查方法的設立()。中華飛羽。16(2~3): 12-15


許富雄2005。這裡是隨意「鳥」地方?科學月刊 431: 858-864


許富雄、姚正得、謝仲甫。2009。鳥類野生動物調查之作業程序。In生物資源調查作業程序參考手冊”(ISBN 978-986-02-1089-7)。湯曉虞編。行政院農業委員會特有生物研究保育中心。南投。31-45頁。







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