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點閱 982 人次 友善列印

類  別:獎學金

姊妹校美國楊斯鎮州立大學(Youngstown State University)提供研究生獎學金

姊妹校美國楊斯鎮州立大學(Youngstown State University)提供研究生獎學金機會給本校有興趣申請該校研究所課程的應屆畢業生或校友參與。針對獎學金提供的研究所及要求門檻如下:
1. MS in Electrical Engineering (GRE with Quantitative of 60th percentile or higher, 3.2 GPA or higher)
2. MS in Computer Science (GRE with Quantitative of 60th percentile or higher, 3.2 GPA or higher)
3. MS in Chemistry (GRE with Quantitative of 60th percentile or higher, > 3.2 GPA or higher)
4. MS in Biology (GRE with Quantitative of 60th percentile or higher, 3.2, > GPA or higher)
5. MA in English Literature (GRE with excellent Verbal and Writing scores)
6. MA in History (Minimum 3.0 Score on Written Section of GRE, Superior > Verbal score on GRE)
7. MA in Communication (3.5 GPA or higher)
8. MS in Social Work (undergraduate degree in Social Science, prior> volunteer experience, 3.2 GPA or higher)
9. MS in Counseling (3.2 GPA or higher)

All positions carry a full scholarship + stipend
All positions require a minimum 7.0 IELTS / 23 TOEFL Speaking Score
Submit CV immediately to nrmyers@ysu.edu for a pre-evaluation
Application materials must be received by March 15 for priority consideration

CV資料須於3/15前先寄至Dr. Myers (nrmyers@ysu.edu for a pre-evaluation)進行初審作業。





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