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** 最新消息new5

日  期:2021-02-18
類  別:
標  題:本校姊妹校美國斯托克頓大學 (Stockton University)提供線上免費練英文機會

Free Weekly Opportunity to Practice English with Stockton Students 


The Office of Global Engage is hosting the weekly event - Stockton World Language Tables (SWLT) on Thursdays at 12:30pm EST from Feb. 18-April 22, 2021. Please see the attached flyer. The zoom link is: https://stockton.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYldeivqj0iHdPkRIbJz6ZykrT1MsmFy4yc


SWLT is a welcoming and no-pressure environment to practice world language skills. All students, faculty, staff, and community members who want to learn, practice, polish, or share their language skills are welcome to join this student-led activity.


Please share with your students this event and encourage them to join us, if they would like to practice English! 


Please pay attention to the time zone differences, and you may use this link to convert our EST (UTC -5) time to your time zone: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converter.html?iso=20210218T173000&p1=179

* 附件檔案: *  SWLT_spring2021 ( PDF) / ( )


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