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* 研究訊息


1.電子物理學系許芳文教授於 2015 6 2972 日至法國波爾多 (Bordeaux, France)參加2015 Education and Training in Optics and Photonics (ETOP 2015)國際會議,於會中發表口頭論文:Fang-Wen Sheu* and Yi-Syuan Lu, "Determining the relationship between the refractive-index difference of a coiled single-mode optical fiber and its bending radius by a mode-image analysis method". (oral 1015)




2.電子物理系蘇炯武教授於20157510日至西班牙巴塞隆納市參加國際磁學會議(International Conference on Magnetism-ICM2015),於會中發表壁報論文:蘇炯武, "Reversal behavior studies of angle-dependent magneto-optic Kerr rotations in magneto-optical birefringent system". (poster FR.H-P16)



3.電子物理系蘇炯武教授於2015715-17日至國立東華大學參加第33屆光譜技術與表面科學研討會,於會中發表壁報論文:蘇炯武, "Study of epitaxial GaN films on c-axis sapphire substrate by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy ". (poster D-4)




4.電子物理系蘇炯武教授與其指導的碩士生陳柏齊同學201571617日至大葉大學參加Thin Films Workshop2015 cum the Thin Films and Nanotechnology Conference國際研討會,於會中發表壁報論文:Bo-Chi Chen and Chiung-Wu Su, "Epitaxial quality of GaN layer grown on c-sapphire by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy ". (poster A047)



5.電子物理系黃俊達教授於201572730日至中國上海參加1st international conference on applied surface science國際會議,於會中發表壁報論文:J.D. Hwang, S. Y. Wang(王升佑), and S. B. Hwang " Enhancing responsivity of MgZnO/p-Si heterojunction photodetectors using oxygen-plasma treatment". (poster p1.13)  



6.電子物理學系洪一弘教授於 2015 7 2022 日至日本札幌參加 The 5th International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (ICEAS) 國際會議,於會中發表壁報論文: Ie-Hong Hong*, Yung-Feng Tsai, Tsung-Ming Chen, Yen-Chieh Liao, Shang-Chieh Yen2, and Yung-Cheng Liao2 " Self-Organization of Perfectly-Ordered Parallel Nanowire Arrays and Nanomeshes on Si(110)-16×2 Surfaces". (poster ICEAS-3543)





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系辦公室 電話:05-271-7911,傳真:05-271-7909

Department of Electrophysics, National Chiayi University
300 Syuefu Road, Chiayi City 600355, Taiwan
Phone: +886-5-271-7911;  Fax: +886-5-271-7909
E-mail: dap@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

