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本期(201609,電物系電子報 2016年09月)索引:

* 研究訊息

 1.   電子物理學系鄭秋平教授於2016828日至92日至法國參加32nd European Conference On Surface Science (ECOSS)國際會議,於會中發表壁報論文:Chiu-Ping Cheng* (鄭秋平), Wan-Sin Chen (陳婉馨), Guo-Jhen Wei (魏國珍), Yi-Ting Cheng (鄭伊婷),Ching-Hsuan Wei, Keng-Yung Lin, Yen-Hsun Lin, Tun-Wen Pi, Jueinai Kwo, and Minghwei Hong, "Critical Metal Thickness for the Schottky Barrier Formation: Synchrotron Radiation Photoemission Study of Ag on p-GaAs(001)-2x4". (poster 96)

2.   電子物理學系鄭秋平教授於 2016 9 20 日 至 9 22 日至新竹市參加 22 st NSRRC Users’ Meeting & Workshops國內研討會,於會中發表壁報論文:

(1) Wan-Sin Chen (陳婉馨), Yi-Ting Cheng (鄭伊婷), Yen-Hsun Lin, Keng-Yung Lin , Tun-Wen Pi, Juei-Nai Kwo, and Ming-Hwei Hong, and Chiu-Ping Cheng* (鄭秋平), "Synchrotron-radiation photoemission study of interfacial electronic structure of Ag on GaAs (001)-4x6". (poster 9)

(2) Y. T. Cheng (鄭伊婷), H. Wang (王馨), W. S. Chen (陳婉馨), C. H. Wei, Y. H. Lin, T. W. Pi, R. Kwo, M. Hong, and C. P. Cheng *(鄭秋平), "Interfacial Electronic Structure of Gold on p-In0.53Ga0.47As(001)-4x2: "A Schottky Barrier Height Study". (poster 10)




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