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本期(201811,電物系電子報 2018年11月)索引:

* 研究訊息

1.  電子物理學系高柏青教授與陳思翰教授20189月共同期刊論文發表Po-Ching Kao, Cheng-Jie Hsieh, Ze-Hui Chen, and Sy-Hann Chen, "Improvement of MoO3/Ag/MoO3 multilayer transparent electrodes for organic solar cells by using UV–ozone treated MoO3 layer", Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 186, 131–141. (2018 November) (SCI)

2.  電子物理學系李宗隆教授於20181114日至中國西安參加The 7th Global Conference on Materials Science and EngineeringCMSE 2018)國際會議,於會中發表邀請演講:Tsung-Lung Li, "Photoemission spectroscopy of alkali-doped rubrene thin films: A first-principles study". (Invited talk)

3.      電子物理學系黃俊達教授於201811914日至中國杭州參加2018 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering 2018 ICICE)國際會議,於會中發表口頭論文:J. D. Hwang黃俊達) and Y. C. Chang張育甄, "Oxygen-Plasma Treatment on MgxZn1-xO Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetectors". (Oral C180254)

4.  電子物理學系黃俊達教授指導大學部學生於2018111416日參加2018 International Electron Devices & Materials Symposium2018 IEDMS)國際會議,於會中發表1篇口頭論文及1篇壁報論文:

(1) Yi-Wen Lin (林宜玟), Wei-Lin Huang (黃瑋琳), and Jun-Dar Hwang(黃俊達), "NiO-based Photodetector with a Field-Effect-Transistor Structure", (Oral A-05O-20)

(2) Wei-Lin Huang  (黃瑋琳), Yi-Wen Lin (林宜玟), and Jun-Dar Hwang(黃俊達), "MgxZn1-xO/ZnO Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetectors with a Oxidation MgyZn1-yO layer", (Poster A-12P-19)




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Department of Electrophysics, National Chiayi University
300 Syuefu Road, Chiayi City 600355, Taiwan
Phone: +886-5-271-7911;  Fax: +886-5-271-7909
E-mail: dap@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

