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本期(201901,電物系電子報 2019年01月)索引:

* 研究訊息

1.  電子物理學系黃俊達教授20191月期刊論文發表Jun-Dar Hwang (黃俊達) and Wei-Ming Lin (林威銘), "Enhancing the photoresponse of p-NiO/n-ZnO heterojunction photodiodes using post ZnO treatment", IEEE Trans. Nanotechnology 18, 126-131 (2019 January) (SCI)

2. 2019台灣物理年會」於201912325日在國立交通大學舉行,電子物理學系余昌峰教授、陳思翰教授、黃俊達教授、洪一弘教授、高柏青教授親自參加或指導學生參加,並發表多篇研討會論文:

(1) Kai-Yu Shih (施凱祐), Jun-Dar Hwang (黃俊達), Chang-Feng Yu (余昌峰), and Sy-Hann Chen* (陳思翰), " Feasibility study of NiOx as the high-performance hole transport layer for polymer light-emitting diodes." (poster P1-SS-034)

(2)Ie-Hong Hong and Hsin-Zan Hsu,"Observation of layered antiferromagnetism in self-assembled parallel NiSi nanowire arrays on Si(110) by spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectromicroscopy." (poster SS-21)

(3) Yan-Jhong Ciou (邱彥中), Jun-Dar Hwang (黃俊達), "ZnO/Ag/NiO多層膜的電與光學性質探討. (poster P1-SN-045)

(4) 高柏青劉佳樺楊雅筑李佳任蕭博文,具金奈米粒子之顏色轉換層及其白光有機發光二極體之應用(poster P2-SN-004)

(5) 高柏青王詩云吳柏廷方昱民丁宇澤,具雙薄金屬層結構之透明導電膜製備及其在有機太陽能電池之應用(poster P2-SN-005)




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E-mail: dap@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

