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本期(202101,電物系電子報 2021年1月)索引:

* 研究訊息

1.電子物理學系陳挺煒助理教授於20211月期刊論文發表:Szu-Cheng Cheng, Shih-Da Jheng, and Ting-Wei Chen*, "Synchronized full vortices as topological spin-Meissner states in spinor excitonpolariton condensates", JOSA B 38, pp. 544-549 (Jan. 2021). (SCI)

2.電子物理學系黃俊達教授於20211月期刊論文發表:J. D. Hwang* and C. M. Chu, "Post oxidation in improving the Schottky-gate MgZnO/ZnO haterojunction field-effect transistors fabricated by RF sputtering", Mater. Sci. Eng. B 266, pp. 115063:1-7 (January 2021). (SCI)

3.電子物理學系李宗隆教授於20211月期刊論文發表:T. L. Li*, Z. F. Zhang, and M. D. Su*. "Reactivity of dicationic N-heterocyclic chalcogen carbene analogues with methane and ethene: A theoretical investigation", Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 23(3), 2419-2429, 2021. (SCI)。




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Department of Electrophysics, National Chiayi University
300 Syuefu Road, Chiayi City 600355, Taiwan
Phone: +886-5-271-7911;  Fax: +886-5-271-7909
E-mail: dap@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

