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** 電子報

研 究 訊 息

1.電子物理學系高柏青副教授201668~11日至香港參加 2016 International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences (ICEAS 2016)國際會議,於會中發表壁報論文:Po-Ching Kao* (高柏青), Sing-Yu Chiou (邱星宇), Jen-Hsun Liu (劉人熏), and Tse-Hui Chen (陳澤輝), " Enhancement of Photovoltaic Characteristics of Organic Solar Cells Using Ozene Treated Ag Nanoparticles Dispersed on Indium Tin Oxide Anode ". (poster ICEAS-10964)  



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Department of Electrophysics, National Chiayi University
300 Syuefu Road, Chiayi City 600355, Taiwan
Phone: +886-5-271-7911;  Fax: +886-5-271-7909
E-mail: dap@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

