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** 電子報


1.電子物理學系陳思翰教授期刊論文發表:S.-H. Chen*, C.-F. Yu, C.-J. Wang, S.-H. Chen, Y.-D. Chen, T.-C. Chen, and C.-F. Lin, "Light enhancement of plasmonic nano-structure for PLEDs at RGB wavelengths", Organic Electronics 38(11): 337-343, (2016 November) (SCI)

2.電子物理學系李宗隆教授於20161031日~112日至新竹參加The 19th Asian Workshop on First-Principles Electronic Structure Calculations (ASIAN-19)國際會議,於會中發表壁報論文:T. L. Li and W. C. Lu, "Electronic structures of intramolecularly intercalated alkali-rubrene complexes".(poster P04-42)



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 國立嘉義大學電子物理系嘉大電物系 光電暨固態電子碩士班

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Department of Electrophysics, National Chiayi University
300 Syuefu Road, Chiayi City 600355, Taiwan
Phone: +886-5-271-7911;  Fax: +886-5-271-7909
E-mail: dap@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

