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** 電子報


1.   電子物理學系陳慶緒教授於20196月期刊論文發表:Pei-Sheng Lin, Jui-Chen Hung, Ching-Hsu Chen, and Yeong-Cherng Liang,* ,"Exploring Bell inequalities for the device-independent certification of multipartite entanglement depth", PHYSICAL REVIEW A 99, 062338 (June 2019) (SCI)

2.   電子物理學系蘇炯武教授於20196月會議論文發表:Kenji Yamada(山田健二)*and Chiung-Wu Su(蘇炯武), " International Joint Education for Student Interaction in the Field of Electronics and Information Technology", 8th Asian Conference on Engineering Education (ACEE 2019)國際會議,馬來西亞Sabah市, 201962426(oral A26)

3.   電子物理學系李宗隆教授於20196月期刊論文發表:李宗隆,「墨子號量子科學實驗衛星:量子保密通信的洲際橋樑」。《遠望》月刊,55-6期,71-7620196月。



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Department of Electrophysics, National Chiayi University
300 Syuefu Road, Chiayi City 600355, Taiwan
Phone: +886-5-271-7911;  Fax: +886-5-271-7909
E-mail: dap@mail.ncyu.edu.tw

