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last update time 2023/08/01
:::* Home > Abstract of Collaboration



“Health” including “Healthy body”, “Healthy environment” and “Healthy life” is the theme of teaching and doing research and/or extension pursued by all faculty members in the College of Life Sciences, NCYU. Basic researches and innovative applications in a broadest spectrum of phyto- and microbial chemicals have been intensively conducted. Respective research interests and approaches conducted by each principal investigator are outlined and collaborations are definitely welcomed for further contact.
Screening, bioassay and potential use of the bioactive substances extracted from soybeans and peanuts. Extraction, purification and identification of antioxidants, tyrosinase inhibitors from edible mushrooms and germinating peanut sprouts. Bio-transformation of isoflavones of the domestically grown non-GMO soybeans to enrich isoflavone bioactivity and development of the dietary supplements and functional foods for health benefit. Investigation of isoflavone metabolism in formation of equol as a risk index of cancer incidence. Enhancement of resveratrol biosynthesis by peanut germination along with preparation of peanut sprouts. (Further contact: Dr. R. Y.-Y. Chiou; 
Dietary nutrients and potential feed ingredients for the growth, antioxidation, and immunity improvements of aquatic animals and their application in nutritional quality enhancement and shelf-life extension of the seafood products; (Further contact: Dr. Chen-Huei Huang; 
Research interest focused on Ecological Restoration. In particular collaborated with Institute for Sustainable Environment, University of Oregon, through the incorporation the same research techniques, it can be applied to the restoration of the OuKao wetland prairie and Alisan mountain. (Further contact: Dr. W. F. Hsiao; 
Modification, scale-up production by E. coli, insect or mammal cells and purification of recombinant proteins. Bioactive analyses including cytotoxicity, cell proliferation, differentiation and signal transduction of the plant, herbal and synthetic compounds. (Further contact: Dr. J. G. Su; 
Investigation of mitochondrial functions and intermediate metabolite analysis of shell fishes. Enlargement of micro-algae and clam cultivation. (Further contact: Dr. A. C. Lee; 
Microbial production of bioactive compounds including antibiotics, nutraceuticals and probiotics by fermentation. Biotechnology innovation and optimization of bio-reactor operation in efficient production of targeted compounds. Bio-transformation of bio-products. (Further contact: Dr. C. W. Hsieh; 
Cellular free radical quantification and evaluation of cellular antioxidative potency and reporter gene expression. Gene expressions in relation to inflammation and Western blotting in detection of specific gene expression. (Further contact: Dr. B. S. Wung; 
Purification and bioactivity evaluation of polyphenols (including coumarins, flavonoids, ellagitanins, anthraquinones, and lignans). GC-MS, HPLC-DAD-ELSD and HPLC-MS quantitative analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicines (TCMs), herbs and natural products. Determination the purine contents in food and dietary materials. Isolation and screening of anti-microbial, whiting, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory natural products. (Further contact: Dr. L. G. Chen; 
Pharmacological and cellular and molecular biology in relation to inflammation in mammalian cells. Study focus on cellular signal transduction and regulation of gene expression. Innovative screening technique for drug screening against inflammation, cancer and liver fibrosis. (Further contact: Dr. Y. W. Liu; 
Investigations of lymphocyte blastogenesis, mixed lymphocyte reaction, mechanism of macrophage phagocytosis and evaluation of oxidative burst oxygen dependent radicals. Physiological balance of immunity and immune regulation of food and drug constituents. (Further contact: Dr. Brian Weng; 
Monoclono-antibody preparation, blood clotting mechanism and platelet activity determination. Hair and scalp protection by active compounds extracted from Sapindus nuts. (Further contact: Dr. Yuvun Huang; 
Investigation of the effect of microalgae on immune responses of hard clam, the reproduction and tolerance of the invased freshwater animals, physiological effects of acid environment on the giant freshwater prawn and data base construction of algae. (Further contact: Dr. S. M. Chen;
Tumor biology in innovative application of traditional Chinese medicines focused prevention and therapy of tumor metastasis. Medicinal sources are mainly extracted from Chinese Herbs and folk-used insects. (Further contact: Dr. H. F. Liao; 
Screening and isolation of bioactive compounds in prevention of neurodegenerative diseases from phyto- and microbial sources. A current interest has been focused on chemoprevention of neurodegenerative diseases mostly focused on Alzheimer’s and Pakinson diseases by peanut resveratrol. (Further contact: Drs. J. H. F. Peng and Y.-L. Yang;; 
Research interest major in residues some chemicals in aquatic environments. Chemicals include antibiotics and disinfectants that applied by human manuscriptions or pollutants in aquatic environments. We concern about the environmental fates, distributions, extents to decline, residues and possible toxicities to aquatic biota. The antibiotics evaluated include oxytetracylcine, chloramphenicol, thiamphenicol, florfenicol and oxolinic acid and flumequine, etc. The disinfectants include some sulfa agents. The chemical pollutants include chlorophenols and PAHs (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons). Another track of research is focus on interaction of aquatic animal populations and environment factors. The environment factors include water and sediment qualities, and disturbances of invaded species. (Further contact: Dr. H.T. Lai; 
Responses of stresses in teleosts: an interactive response among the endocrine, energy cost, immuno-system, free radical and metallothionein expression. The present studies almost focus on the stress responses of fish followed heavy metals exposure, especially the functions and regulative mechanism of metallothionein in fish upon heavy metal induction.(Further contact: Dr. S. M. Wu;





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