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Create Date:2010-07-15
Update Date:2010-08-18
Department:Department of Agronomy

NCYU Indonesian International Volunteer Team Offers Agricultural Technology Assistance to Indonesia

NCYU Indonesian International Volunteer Team Offers Agricultural Technology Assistance to Indonesia NCYU Indonesian International Volunteer Team Offers Agricultural Technology Assistance to Indonesia

  National Chiayi University has been dedicated to offering humanitarian care to the world via volunteering services. International Volunteer Team in Indonesia (IVTI) of NCYU headed to the Nuruliman Sutra Reading House in Parung, Bogor district, West Java, Indonesia, on July 15. The twelve-day service mission, starting from July 16 to 27, offers instruction services in such respects as agricultural technology, bread baking and food processing, Chinese nursery rhymes, and drawing.

  The IIVT event would not have been possible without the support from NCYU Alumni Association Former Chairman Luo Qing-Yuan and the Indonesia Branch of Tzu Chi Foundation, or the subsidies from the International Youth Commission (NYC) of Ministry of Education and Ministry of Education.

  Hou, leader of the international volunteer teams, is Chairman and Associate Professor of the Department of Agronomy, NCYU. He demonstrates expertise in agriculture and has long been committed to the cause of caring for the disadvantaged groups in Taiwan. The other teacher that accompanies the team is Feng Shu-Hwei, professor of the Department of Food Science and also an expert on food processing and baking. According to Hou, there are a total of 12 students joining the IIVT this year, who were professional in their respective fields. They are slated to serve and provide instructions to more than 2,000 pupils at the Nuruliman Sutra Reading House, so as to extend warmth and care to underprivileged people in Indonesia and Thailand.

  According to NCYU Dean of Student Affairs Chou Shyh-Renn, the year of 2010 marked the third year since IIVT has been offering international volunteer services. Under the instruction of Chairman Hou, the team has been widely recognized by its devotion to serving people in need. They won the third place among more than fifty rivals from around Taiwan in the 2008 GYSD International Volunteer Team Excellence Award Competition held by NYC. On behalf of NCYU, both the international service teams will extend warmth and care to underprivileged people in Indonesia and Thailand. Last December, they also won the first prize in the international volunteer category in the Regional Peace Volunteer Team Contest 2009 by NYC. As many as fifty-six teams competed in that category. They received the award from President Ma Ying-Jeou.





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