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last update time 2023/07/31
:::* Home > Bulletin

** Bulletin

Department:Alumni Center
Title:The Art of Taiwan Flowers and Fruits – The Duo Exhibition of Huang Mei-Xian and Zhang Bing-Huang

The Art of Taiwan Flowers and Fruits

Professors Huang Mei-Xian and Zhang Bing-Huang join forces to bring the audience the flowers and fruits commonly seen in Taiwan with their oil paintings and Chinese calligraphy that easily resonate with the viewer aesthetically.

Ms. Huang Mei-Xian graduated from National Chiayi University in 1986 and been offered the outstanding alumni honor in 2009.

She long-term enthusiasm to participate in alumni activities and care about the development of alma mater school affairs.

Sincerely welcome to visit the exhibition and enjoy the art.

♪Date/Time :109-5-23~109-6-16

Venue : Exhibition Room

Exhibition Institute : National Taiwan University of Arts




* Download Files: * Invitation ( JPG ) / ( )
* Introduction_chinese ( JPG ) / ( )




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Alumni Center, National Chiayi University
No.300 Syuefu Rd., Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: +886-5-271-7749
FAX: +886-5-271-7746