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最後更新 2024/03/04
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For international students, the Department of Applied Chemistry offers undergraduate program with bachelor degree and graduate program with master and PhD degrees


Undergraduate Program: The undergraduate program in the Applied Chemistry Department aims to provide rigorous education in the fundamental areas of chemical knowledge and chemical experimentation. The courses are also designed to provide excellent preparation for advanced knowledge in the fields of biochemistry and material science, and link with basic and advanced knowledge for understanding the direction of industrial development of contemporary chemistry. To complete the program, students are required to complete at least 128 credits, which include 61 credits for required courses, 37 credits for elective courses, 30 credits for general courses.


Graduate Programs: In addition to offer the advanced courses of organic, inorganic, physical, analytical chemistry, and biochemistry, the program is designed to focus on biocatalysis and material subjects for development of the capability of multidisciplinary; thus, students are able to learn knowledge acquired in technology of biology, medicine, agriculture and materials. Courses are designed to instill in students the basic knowledge in biocatalysis and to improve advanced knowledge in their own professional fields (organic, inorganic, analytic, physical chemistry, biochemistry and bio-materials).

Master's Program: To complete the master's program, students are required to complete at least 30 credits, which include 9 credits for required courses, 15 credits for elective courses, and 6 credits for a master thesis.

Doctoral Program: To complete the Ph.D.program, students are required to complete at least 34 credits, which include 4 credits for required courses, 18 credits for elective courses, and 12 credits for a doctoral dissertation.


For the application of International student admission, please fill in the following application form and send it to: The office of international student affairs, National Chiayi University, 300, Syuefu Rd., Chiayi 60004, Taiwan.


* 附件檔案:  * 國立嘉義大學外國學生入學申請表 NCYU_International_Sutdents_Application_Form_1 / 國立嘉義大學外國學生入學申請表 NCYU_International_Sutdents_Application_Form_1

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