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* Faculty Members *

Chen, Hsuan-Wien, Assistant Professor

(Ph.D., National Taiwan Normal University)


Tel: +886-5271-7820 (office), +886-5271-7821(Lab)

Fax: +886-5271-7816


Lab websitehttps://sites.google.com/view/parasitismlabncyu 

Research Interests: 

Ecology of Parasitism, Food web modeling, Ecological networks, Disease ecology, Ecosystem ecology


Current projects: 

1.     Parasites diversity of wildlife 

2.     Using parasites as bio-tags for fish stocks

3.     On parasitism of biological invasion

4.     Soil nematode as bio-indicator for agro-ecosystems

5.     On parasitism of food webs



(A) Journal Papers (*corresponding author).

1.        Latinne A.*, H.-W. Chen, C.-C. Kuo, G. Singleton, A. Stuart, F. F. Malbas, C. Demanche, M. Chabe, J. Michaux, S. Morand. (Submitted). Revisiting the Pneumocystis host specificity paradigm and transmission ecology in wild Southeast Asian rodents.

2.        Daniel Barčák1, ChiaKwung Fan, Pasaikou Sonko, Roman Kuchta, Tomáš Scholz, Martina OrosováHsuan-Wien Chen, Mikuláš Oros* (2021). Hidden diversity of the most basal tapeworms (Cestoda, Gyrocotylidea), the enigmatic parasites of holocephalans (Chimaeriformes). Scientific Reports 11: 5492. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-84613-y

3.        Ming-Chung Chiu, Chin-Gi Huang, Wen-Jer Wu, Zhao-Hui Lin, Hsuan-Wien Chen, Shiuh-Feng Shiao*. 2020. A new millipede-parasitizing horsehair worm, Gordius chiashanus sp. nov., at medium altitudes in Taiwan (Nematomorpha, Gordiida). ZooKeys 941: 25-48.

4.        Zhe-Yu Lin, Hsuan-Wien Chen*, Hsing-Juh Lin*. 2020. Trophic model of a deep-sea ecosystem with methane seeps in the South China Sea. Deep-Sea Research Part I: : Oceanographic Research Papers, 159: 103251.

5.        MY Kuo, DR Kang, CH Chang, CH Chao, CC Wang, HH Chen, CC Su, HW Chen, MC Lai, S Lin, LL Liu. 2019. New records of three deep-sea Bathymodiolus mussels (Bivalvia: Mytilida: Mytilidae) from hydrothermal vent and cold seeps in Taiwan. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 27: 352-358.

6.        Liu, W. C., S. M. Lai, and H. W. Chen*. (2017). A topological similarity-based bootstrapping method for inferring food web parameters. Ecological Research, 32:797-809.

7.        Morand S., F. Bordes, H.-W. Chen, J. Claude, J.-F. Cosson, M. Galan, G. A. Czirják, A. D. Greenwood, A. Latinne, J. Michaux, A. Ribas . 2015. Global parasite and Rattus rodent invasions: the consequences for rodent-borne diseases. Integrative Zoology 10:409-423.

8.        Liu, W.-C., H.-W. Chen*, T.-H. Tsai and H.-K. Hwang. 2012. A fish tank model for assembling food webs. Ecological Modelling 254: 166-175.

9.        Chen H.-W., K.-T. Shao, C. W.-J. Liu, W.-H. Lin and, W.-C. Liu. 2011. Reduction of network robustness by parasitism: fact and artifact. International Journal for Parasitology 41: 627-634. 

10.     Liu, W.-C., H.-W. Chen*, F. Jordan, W.-H. Lin and, C. W.-J. Liu. 2010. Quantifying the interaction structure and the topological importance of species in food webs: A signed digraph approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology 267: 355-362.

11.     Chen, H.-W., W.-C. Liu, A. D. J. Davis, F. Jordan, M.- J. Hwang, and K.- T. Shao. 2008. Network position of hosts in food webs and their parasite diversity. Oikos 117: 1847-1855. 

12.     Falcón-Ordaz, J., H.-W. Chen, and M. R. Lamothe-Argumedo. 2006. A new species of Vexillata(Nematoda: Ornithostrongylidae) parasite of Attwater’s pocket gopher from Texas. Journal of Parasitology 92: 595-599. 

13.     Zhu, G., and H.-W. Chen. 2004. Monophyletic relationship between severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus and group 2 coronaviruses. Journal of Infectious Diseases 189: 1676-1678. 

14.     Dronen, N. O., and H.-W. Chen. 2002. Endohelminths from little blue heron, Egretta caurulea, from Texas Gulf Coast. Comparative Parasitology 69: 96-99.


(B) Conference papers & abstracts (2018~present, #undergraduate and graduate student co-author)

1.        鄭名紘#、廖凱鋐、江偉全、陳宣汶*2021.01。時機還是對象重要?探討兩種鰹魚體內寄生蟲的多樣性及群聚差異。2021年動物行為生態研討會(線上辦理)。台南、台灣。(*通訊作者;#指導之大學生)

2.        彭翊倫#、劉建男、林育秀、張仕緯、陳貞志、陳宣汶*202101。以食肉目腸胃道寄生蟲組成探討野生動物與貓犬關係。2021年動物行為生態研討會(線上辦理)。台南、台灣。(*通訊作者;#指導之大學生;榮獲生態保育組海報展演優等獎)

3.        鄭子琪#、廖凱鋐、陳宣汶*202101。大赤鼯鼠與白面鼯鼠之腸胃道寄生蟲群聚探討。2021年動物行為生態研討會(線上辦理)。台南、台灣。(*通訊作者;#指導之大學生)

4.        籃浩維+、何篤誠、徐偉傑、陳宣汶*2021.01。「是三杯綠鬣蜥?還是三杯寄生蟲?」:台灣外來入侵綠鬣蜥腸胃道寄生蟲研究。2021年動物行為生態研討會(線上辦理)。台南、台灣。(*通訊作者;+指導之研究生)

5.        李苙言+、黃大駿、梁世雄、陳宣汶*2021.01。台灣外來入侵線鱧(Channa striata)體內寄生蟲研究。2021年動物行為生態研討會(線上辦理)。台南、台灣。(*通訊作者;+指導之研究生)

6.        林唐褘+陳宣汶*。水稻田耕作擾動下之土壤線蟲群聚。2020.09。第十一屆台灣濕地生態系研討會。台北、台灣。(*通訊作者;+指導之研究生)

7.        林唐褘+、林釗輝、邱名鍾、陳宣汶*2020.09。台灣水稻田區土壤線蟲群聚組成與多樣性研究。農業生態系長期生態研究研討會。霧峰、台灣。

8.        鄭名紘#、廖凱鋐、江偉全、陳宣汶*2020.08。三種鰹魚體內寄生蟲多樣性與群聚組成差異。2020魚類學學術研討會。屏東、台灣。(*通訊作者;#指導之大學生)

9.        李苙言+、黃大駿、梁世雄、陳宣汶*2020.08。探討泰國鱧其體內寄生蟲在臺灣南部與東部的感染狀況之差異。2020魚類學學術研討會。屏東、台灣。(*通訊作者;+指導之研究生)

10.     林唐褘+、林釗輝、廖凱鋐、陳宣汶*2020.01。水稻田耕作擾動下之土壤線蟲群聚。2020年動物行為生態研討會。澎湖、台灣。(*通訊作者;+指導之研究生;榮獲族群與群聚生態組口頭報告優勝獎)

11.     李苙言+、黃大駿、Serge MorandKittipong ChaisiriAlexis Ribas陳宣汶*2020.01。台灣與泰國線鱧(Channa striata)其體內寄生蟲的感染狀況之差異。2020年動物行為生態研討會。澎湖、台灣。(*通訊作者;+指導之研究生)

12.     籃浩維+陳宣汶*、向高世、陳德治。2020.01。台灣大型入侵種蜥蜴-綠鬣蜥與亞洲水龍體內寄生蟲群聚組成。2020年動物行為生態研討會。澎湖、台灣。(*通訊作者;+指導之研究生)

13.     陳鐓顥+、徐偉傑、陳宣汶*2020.01。外來種沙氏變色蜥與其共域蜥蜴的寄生蟲群聚。2020年動物行為生態研討會。澎湖、台灣。(*通訊作者;+指導之研究生)

14.     Ya-Jyun Lian+, Li-Yung Hsieh, Mei-Li Hsueh, Hsuan-Wien Chen*. (2019.11) From trophic contribution to ecosystem services: a mangrove case. The 4th Asian Marine Biology Symposium, Taipei, Taiwan.

15.     Tung-Wei Lin+, Chao-Huei Lin, Ming-Chung Chiu, Hsuan-Wien Chen*. (2019.10) Temporal progression of soil nematode community and diversity along rice cultivation process. 2019 SSE, TERN & TaiwanFlux Joint Meeting, Hualien, Taiwan.

16.     Tung-Wei Lin+, Chao-Huei Lin, Ming-Chung Chiu, Hsuan-Wien Chen*. (2019.09) Temporal progression of soil nematode community and diversity along rice cultivation process. 2019 iLTER-OSM, Leipzig, Germany.

17.     Ya-Jyun Lian+, Li-Yung Hsieh, Mei-Li Hsueh, Hsuan-Wien Chen*. (2019.08) Trophic contribution and ecosystem services of mangrove in Chiku lagoon, Taiwan. 2019 Society of Wetland Scientists-Asia Chapter, Sunchon, Korea. 

18.     連雅君+、洪夢祺、蔡文凱、薛美莉、謝莉顒、陳宣汶*2019.07。紅樹林生產者對七股潟湖魚類之營養貢獻。魚類學會暨溪流環境協會2019年學術研討會。台北,台灣。(*通訊作者; +指導之研究生)

19.     陳宣汶*、連雅君2019.05。七股潟湖濕地水生物種群聚之營養區位比較。兩岸濕地聯合研討會。高雄,台灣。

20.     陳宣汶2019.01。外來種的寄生蟲與它們的產地:以台灣的外來兩生類為例。2019年動物行為生態研討會。台北、台灣。(大會邀請演講)

21.     李苙言+、陳柏州#、陳鐓顥#、黃大駿、陳宣汶*2019.01。泰國鱧(Channa striata)內寄生蟲Camallanus spp.Pallisentis spp.的感染狀況與地理分布。2019年動物行為生態研討會。台北、台灣。(*通訊作者;#指導之大學生;+指導之研究生)

22.     林唐褘+、陳冠文#陳宣汶*2019.01。水稻田耕作對土壤線蟲群聚之影響。2019年動物行為生態研討會。台北、台灣。(*通訊作者;#指導之大學生;+指導之研究生)

23.     林嘉欣#陳宣汶*、朱紀實。2019.01。探討外來種亞洲錦蛙 (Kaloula pulchra腸道內人畜共通傳染病原菌-沙門氏菌 (Salmonella spp.)2019年動物行為生態研討會。台北、台灣。(*通訊作者;#指導之大學生)

24.     連雅君+、陳淑娜#、謝莉顒、薛美莉、陳宣汶*2019.01。七股潟湖生態系生物群聚之種類組成與營養區位之比較。2019年動物行為生態研討會。台北、台灣。(*通訊作者;#指導之大學生;+指導之研究生;獲口頭報告競賽佳作)

25.     Chia-Hsin Lin#Hsuan-Wen Chen, Chishih Chu. (2018.11) Bacterial communities In the intestine of the banded bullfrog (Kaloula pulchra) in southern Taiwan. 3rd International Symposium of Biodiversity and Health in Southeast Asia, Chiayi, TAIWAN. (#Undergraduate student)

26.     Ya-Jyun Lian+, Shu-Na Chen#, Li-Yung Hsieh, Mei-Li Hsueh, Hsuan-Wien Chen* (2018.11)  Isotopic niches and species compositions of fish assemblages in Chiku lagoon. 3rd International Symposium of Biodiversity and Health in Southeast Asia, Chiayi, TAIWAN. (+Graduate Student, #Undergraduate student, *Corresponding)

27.     Li-Yen Lee+, Bo-Zhou Chen#, Dun-Hao Chen#, Da-Ji Huang, Hsuan-Wien Chen* (2018.11) Who lives in the alien fish? A review of Camallanus and Pallisentis of snakehead fish (Channa spp.) in native and induced range. 3rd International Symposium of Biodiversity and Health in Southeast Asia, Chiayi, TAIWAN. (+Graduate Student, #Undergraduate student, *Corresponding)

28.     Meng-Jhen Li+, Yi-Ju Yang, Hsuan-Wien Chen* (2018.11) Effects of host invasive stage on immunity and parasite community: The spot-legged tree frog (Polypedates megacephalus) cases in Taiwan. 3rdInternational Symposium of Biodiversity and Health in Southeast Asia, Chiayi, TAIWAN. (+Graduate Student, *Corresponding)

29.     Tang-Wei Lin+, Ming-Chung Chiu, Kuan-Wen Chen#Hsuan-Wien Chen* (2018.11) Community succession of soil nematodes in rice paddy field. 3rd International Symposium of Biodiversity and Health in Southeast Asia, Chiayi, TAIWAN. (+Graduate Student, #Undergraduate student, *Corresponding)

30.     Kai-Hung Liao+ and Hsuan-Wien Chen* (2018.11) Factors affecting the parasite communities of Duttaphrynus melanostictus in Southwestern Taiwan. 3rd International Symposium of Biodiversity and Health in Southeast Asia, Chiayi, TAIWAN. (+Graduate Student, *Corresponding)

31.     Hsuan-Wien Chen (2018.10) Animal invasions and infections: the link between Southeast Asia and Taiwan. The Joint Wildlife Disease Association Australasian Section (WDAA) and the Asian Society of Conservation Medicine (ASCM) Conference, Bali, Indonesia. (Oral presentation)

32.     Ming-Chung Chiu and Hsuan-Wien Chen* (2018.10) Temporal progression of nematode assemblages with rice cultivation process in Taiwan. ILTER Annual Coordinating Committee Meeting and ILTER EAP scientific conference, Taichung, Taiwan. (Oral presentation)

33.     Meng-Jhen Li+, Yi-Ju Yang, Hsuan-Wien Chen* (2018.08) Effects of host invasive stage on immunity and parasite community: The spot-legged tree frog (Polypedates megacephalus) cases in Taiwan. 14thInternational Congress of Parasitology, Daegu, Korea. (+Graduate Student, *Corresponding, Best Poster Awards)

34.     Kai-Hung Liao+ and Hsuan-Wien Chen* (2018.08) Factors affecting the parasite communities of Duttaphrynus melanostictus in Southwestern Taiwan. 14th International Congress of Parasitology, Daegu, Korea. (+Graduate Student, *Corresponding)

35.     Zhao-Hui Lin+ and Hsuan-Wien Chen* (2018.08) Parasite communities along the invasion gradient of banded bullfrogs (Kaloula pulchra) in Taiwan. 14th International Congress of Parasitology, Daegu, Korea. (+Graduate Student, *Corresponding)

36.     Hsuan-Wien Chen (2018.08) Community structure of parasites of the invasive alien hosts: The amphibian cases. 14th International Congress of Parasitology, Daegu, Korea. (Oral presentation)

37.     邱名鍾、陳宣汶2018.05。水稻田耕作時程對土壤線蟲群聚之影響。第九屆台灣濕地生態系研討會,台北,台灣。

38.     連雅君+、陳淑娜 、謝莉顒 、薛美莉 陳宣汶*2018.05。七股潟湖魚類群聚同位素區位與種類組成之比較。第九屆台灣濕地生態系研討會,台北,台灣。(+為碩士班指導學生,獲學生壁報特優獎)

39.     Hsuan-Wien Chen (2018.04) Invasions and Infections of East Asia. 8th EAFES International Congress, Nagoya, Japan. (Oral presentation)

40.     林釗輝+陳宣汶2018.01。外來入侵種亞洲錦蛙(Kaloula pulchra)入侵時序與宿主免疫及寄生蟲群聚之探討。2018年動物行為生態研討會。新竹、台灣。(+指導之研究生)

41.     李孟榛+、楊懿如、陳宣汶2018.01。探討斑腿樹蛙在不同入侵階段的免疫系統與寄生蟲群聚。2018年動物行為生態研討會。新竹、台灣。(+指導之研究生,獲口頭報告競賽優等)

42.     廖凱鋐+陳宣汶2018.01。影響台灣西南部黑眶蟾蜍寄生蟲群聚組成因子之探討。2018年動物行為生態研討會。新竹、台灣。(+指導之研究生,獲口頭報告競賽佳作)


(C) Other publications

1.      賴美津、劉莉蓮、陳天任、林幸助、陳宣汶2019。生物生態評估。黃柏壽等編,台灣西南海域天然氣水合物調查與評估記關鍵技術研發,頁45-85107-124156-176205-215。地熱與天然氣主軸中心發行,台北。

2.      陳宣汶、薛美莉、林子平、莊秉潔、陳吉仲、蘇義淵、林幸助。2014。沿海濕地碳匯的保育與管理-以七股海岸地區為例。第五屆台灣濕地生態系研討會論文集,頁71-74。台灣濕地學會,新竹。

3.      陳宣汶、林幸助。2012七股潟湖生態系功能之歷史比較(1997 vs. 2011)第四屆海峽兩岸人工濕地暨第三屆台灣濕地生態系聯合研討會論文集,頁71-74。台灣濕地學會,新竹。

4.      林幸助、陳宣汶、李麗華、邵廣昭、邱郁文、張原謀、許皓捷、陳添水、劉弼仁、薛美莉、謝宗欣、謝蕙蓮、羅文增。2011。臺江國家公園及周緣地區重要生物類群分佈及海岸濕地河口生態系變遷,臺江國家公園管理處委託研究報告,臺南。

5.      陳宣汶、林幸助。2011。一去不回頭的生物多樣性。李錫珍編,海洋危機與轉機-新時代永續海洋新觀點43-47。高雄市政府海洋局,高雄。




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