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瀏覽人次 61052989
最後更新 2024/03/04
* 網路安全政策

蘭花 蜘蛛百合 金英樹
* :::* 你現在的位置:首頁 > Introduction > Mission
* Introduction *

The Department of Civil and Water Resources Engineering at National Chiayi University offers civil and water resources engineering education as well as research opportunities for society and the nation.

Currently, the Department has approximately 185 day-time undergraduate students, 117 night-time undergraduate students and 14 graduate students. Most of the undergraduate students enter the Department through the nation's annual joint college entrance examination. While some undergraduate students go to work for industry, other students opt for advanced graduate studies after graduation. Students are entitled to direct admission to the Department's graduate program on the merit of outstanding academic achievement. Some students choose to study abroad; others, including those graduated from other universities, are admitted to the graduate program after passing an entrance examination. The Department also provides full-time as well as part-time graduate studies for qualified candidates from industry.

The Department presently has 15 faculties including 3 professors, 6 associate professors, 2 assistant professor and 4 lectures. In addition, there are 6 adjunct professors in this Department. The Department's teaching and research activities include hydraulic engineering, water resources engineering, geotechnical engineering, structural engineering, and Construction Management.

The government has pushed a lot of public construction and has tried to improve the quality of construction these years in order to reduce the impact of floods and droughts on people's live and Taiwan's economy. Therefore, it is urgently necessary to cultivate the manpower in civil and water resource engineering for the purpose of fitting the development of the country and society.

Since the conditions of geographical environment and water resources in Taiwan are not good, environmental protection in Taiwan becomes very important for keeping the sufficient of the source of water and supplying good water quality. The technology in the field of civil and water resources engineering not only is needed at present but also is indispensable for Taiwan's permanent development. Hence, it is crucial to cultivate related engineers.



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