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last update time 2023/06/27
:::* Home > Regulations > PhD's degree

** Regulations


National Chiayi University (NCYU)

PhD’s Degree Regulations for the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering

(Applicable to students admitted in the 2014 school year)


Promulgated and passed at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 11 Oct. 2007

Promulgated at the on CSIE Student Affairs Committee on 4 May 2009

Passed at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 3 Jun. 2009

Promulgated at the CSIE Student Affairs Committee on 11 Oct. 2010

Passed at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 11 Oct. 2010

Promulgated at the CSIE Student Affairs Committee on 5 Mar. 2015

Passed at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 19 Mar. 2015


  1. The Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE) at National Chiayi University (NCYU) has drawn up the following program regulations for PhD’s students in compliance with the NCYU Regulations for Master’s and Doctoral Degrees Conferment, NCYU Regulation for Master’s and Doctoral Degrees Dissertation, and relevant guidelines.

  2. The period of study for doctoral degrees is two to seven years for full-time PhD students. The period of study for doctoral degrees is three to seven years for PhD students with direct admission into doctoral programs

  3. The advisor for the dissertation must be a full-time faculty member of CSIE, who is an assistant professor or above;

  4. Application for changing the dissertation advisor must be approved by the original advisor (or CSIE Department Affairs Committee) and new advisor.  Application must be submitted to the CSIE Student Affairs Committee for review before the change can take place.

  5. Before graduating, students must complete 16 credits, of which 12 credits must be for PhD. Thesis and 4 credits for Seminars.

  6. In addition to above 16 credits, students must complete 18 credits for Master’s courses offered by CSIE. Students with direct admission into doctoral programs must complete 30 credits for graduate courses offered by CSIE.

  7. Students with direct admission into doctoral programs can apply for credit exemption. Credit exemption shall be approved for courses taken in CSIE with a score of 80 and above if the courses do not count toward the graduation credit requirement for the bachelor's degree nor exceed the maximum number of credit exemption. The maximum number of credits could be exempted is 12 credits. Application for credit exemption shall be submitted in student registration and approved by CSIE Student Affairs Committee.

  8. After enrolling in PhD program, students have to pass the following four examinations for degree conferral:
    (1) Qualifying Examination
    (2) Research Proposal Review
    (3) Relevant Publications Review
    (4) PhD Degree Examination.
    Students who fail examinations will be given another one chance to re-take the examinations if student is in the study of period. Student who fail examinations for the second time will be dismissed from NCYU.

  9. Qualifying Examination

  1. Students, who apply for Qualifying Examination, should be an admitted PhD. student in CSIE. Students have to submit Dissertation Advisor Consent Form before the beginning of next semester for the approval of relevant committee.

  2. PhD Qualification could be passed by either courses, exams, or researches. Students who have total credits more than 6 can pass PhD Qualification.
    (1) Course Qualification:
    Two credits are awarded to students on passing a 3-credits courses of CSIE. These courses should be different from the subject of exam qualification and not included in graduation credits.
    (2) Exam Qualification:
    Three credits are awarded to students on one passed exams in the following subjects: algorithm, compiler, operating system, theory of computation, computer architecture, computer network, infomation theory, distance learning system, data mining, digital image processing, digital signal processing, computer graphic, graph theory, software engineering, probability and statics, information retrevial, database system, cryptography, multimedia system, and cloud computing. The subject should be different from course qualification and not be taken before.
    (3) Research Qualification
    Two credits are awarded to students on an oral presentation in a international conference. Four credits are awarded to students on one SCI, SCIE, EI, or SSCI journal paper, or one journal paper approved by CSIE Department Affairs Committee. Six credits are  awarded to students on one journal paper in ACM or IEEE Transactions, or SCI(SCI-E) journal paper with ranking of impact factor in JCR higher than 30%. Student should be the first author, except for the dissertation advisor. The paper should show the full name of CSIE as the affiliation and should not be included in Publication Review.

  3. Students have to pass Qualifying Examination in five semesters (except for suspension), or will be dismissed from NCYU..

  4. For students dismissed from NCYU due to failure in Qualifying Examination, the record of passed courses can be keep for two years.

  5. Master’s students in CSIE who are interesting in PhD program can take the PhD Qualifying Examination in the period of study for Master’s Degree. If students are admitted in PhD program in two years after PhD Qualifying Examination, the record of passed courses in Qualifying Examination will be still valid, and the record of the non-passed courses will be invalid.

  6. For students dismissed from NCYU due to failure in Qualifying Examination, the passed courses can be used for Credit Exemption when students re-admit in CSIE.

  7. Qualifying Examination will be held once between week 13 and week 15 in each semester. The date of Qualifying Examination will be announced one week after the end of last semester. Student can sign up Qualifying Examination in the first two weeks of the semester.

  1. Research Proposal Review
    After students pass Qualifying Examination, dissertation advisor and department chair engage for a minimum of three assist professors or above in NCYU to form a Research Proposal Review Committee for research proposal review. Students can take the Research Proposal Review in a maximum of two times. Students who fail in Research Proposal Review for second time will be dismissed from NCYU.

  2. Publication Review

  1. After students pass Research Proposal Review, dissertation advisor and department chair engages for a minimum of three assist professors or above in NCYU to form a Publication Review Committee for reviewing relevant publications.

  2. Publication Review is to check the student’s publications whether under the guidance of dissertation advisor and relevant to the topics of dissertation. The publications includes papers and patterns.

  3. In all of student’s publications, the student should be the first author, except for the dissertation advisor. All publications should show the full name of CSIE as the affiliation.

  4. All publications should be evaluated according to the following criteria.
    (1) A paper published in a SCI, SSCI, or SCIE journal is counted as three points.
    (2) A paper published in an EI journal, or a journal whose level is equivalent to EI journals, a pattern with invention, or an award of international competitions are  counted as two points.
    (3) A paper published in other journals or international conference proceedings is counted as one point.
    Total points for papers or patterns must be four or more. At least one paper must be published in a SCI, SSCI, or SCIE journal.
    (4) The assessment of a journal whose level is equivalent to EI journals, a pattern with invention, or an award of international competitions are by Publication Review Committee, with relevant documents offered by applicants.
    All publication guidelines listed above are only the basic requirement. Dissertation advisor can set other higher individual requirements for each student.

  1. PhD Degree Examination

  1. PhD Degree Examination cannot be held in the same semester as Research Proposal Review.

  2. PhD Degree Examination is held in compliance with the NCYU Regulations for Master’s and Doctoral Degrees Examinations.

  1. Matters not mentioned herein shall be governed by relevant regulations in NCYU and Ministry of Education (MOE).

  2. These program regulations were promulgated and passed at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee, and approved by Director of College of Science and Engineering for subsequent implementation. Revisions of the program regulations are the same as promulgation.


The Regulations were drawn up in Chinese and translated into English. In the event of any discrepancy between the two versions, the original Chinese version shall prevail.





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