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last update time 2023/06/27
:::* Home > Regulations > Bechelor's degree


National Chiayi University (NCYU)

Bachelor’s Degree Regulations for the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering

(Applicable to undergraduate students admitted in the 2014 school year)


Promulgated and passed at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 26 May 2010

Passed at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 9 Jun. May 2010

Promulgated and passed at the CSIE Student Affairs Committee on 9 Oct. 2013

Passed at the CSIE Department Affairs Committee on 9 Oct. 2013


  1. Undergraduate students in the Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering (CSIE) at National Chiayi University (NCYU) (hereinafter referred to as undergraduate students) have to comply the following regulations and relevant regulations in NCYU and Ministry of Education (MOE) in the period of study.

  2. Undergraduate students have to complete required credits before graduation. The required credits are in compliance with the CSIE Course Plan in NCYU for admitting year.

  3. Program Requirements for CSIE in NCYU

  1. A maximum of six credits of relevant courses, which are not offered by CSIE, can be approved in the graduation credits. The achieved credits are counted as professional elective courses not offered by CSIE.

  2. Undergraduate students, who wish to take the elective courses not offered by CSIE or courses for cross programs, have to submit application forms for electing courses not offered by CSIE to the CSIE Student Affairs Committee for approval. Date for the application will be announced on the CSIE website. The credits which is not approved by CSIE Student Affairs Committee cannot be counted as graduation credits.

  3. Undergraduate students who complete all required courses in CSIE, meet the credit requirements for graduation, and achieve an average score of a minimum of 80 can apply for taking fewer courses than minimum course requirements in regulations.

  4. Undergraduate students can take Master’s courses in CSIE and the credits of the courses can be counted as graduation credits.

  5. Following courses cannot be counted as graduation credits.

(1) Programing Language. The course is offered in summer vacation for students failed the Computer Proficiency Examination.

(2) Excessive general courses

(3) Elective Physical Education in junior and senior.

(4) All general courses offered by faculties in CSIE, except for the Technology Laws and High-tech Patents. 

IV.    Credit Exemption

  1. Undergraduate students who wish to apply for credit exemption have to complete and submit the CSIE Application Form for Credit Exemption in NCYU, CSIE Application Form for taking courses not offered by CSIE in NCYU, and relevant documents (e.g. transcripts, syllabus, and etc.) to CSIE Student Affairs Committee for approval.

  2. Undergraduate students, who changed department or school, can apply for credit exemption if the passed courses are the same with, or similar to CSIE required courses, in compliance with the NCYU Regulations for Credit Exemption. The applications have to be submitted to CSIE Student Affairs Committee by the first week in first semester in the school year.

  1. Undergraduate students with excellent performance in all aspects can apply for early graduation by submitting relevant documents to CSIE Student Affairs Committee for approval within one week after beginning of the semester. Approvals after the deadline are invalid.

  2. In compliance with NCYU Program Regulations, undergraduate students who pass both English Proficiency Examination and Computer Proficiency Examination are eligible to graduate and conferred degrees by NCYU. Computer Proficiency Examination for student in CSIE has been conducted by CSIE since 2011 school year.  The Computer Proficiency Examination is applicable to undergraduate students admitted after 2011 school year.

  3. Matters not mentioned herein shall be governed by Academic Regulations in NCYU and Regulations for Credit Exemption in NCYU.


The Regulations were drawn up in Chinese and translated into English. In the event of any discrepancy between the two versions, the original Chinese version shall prevail.



** Bechelor's degree


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