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** Q&A

Create Date:2011-03-30
Update Date:2011-03-30
Department:Center for Teaching and Learning Development

Teaching Assistants allocated on the number of hours per week, or cost issues

Teaching Assistants allocated on the number of hours per week, or cost issues

     Q: A week only 4 hours of hourly employees, too little? Workload /  hours may be greater

          than the  work hours?(Source: 2010/09/11 the  beginning of semester workshop)


         1. According to the Center for Teaching Assistants to review the implementation of elements of

             work, the review meeting that some members have decided to apply for the TA for each

             number of professors teaching and working hours, and the principle of fairness, the number 

             of hours worked per week or part-time teaching hours Corneille Allocate the number of hours

             per week core support work-study.

         2. The work of teaching assistants is a helpful work, which is not the only money can replace

             the harvest, which assist the process of teaching experience and emotional interaction with

             the juniors, is a kind of invisible harvest.





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