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Department:Office of International Affairs
Title:Application for Continuing NCYU International Student Scholarship of Fall Semester of Academic year 107


Date: June 26, 2018


Contact persons: Han Jia, Huang

Phone number: 05-2717296


To all the students receiving the “NCYU international students scholarship”, please pay attention to the below information regarding the application for continuing the scholarship for the academic year of 107.


1.      The scholarship is awarded on a year-by-year basis and awardees must apply again for continuing their scholarship after the first year of study. The maximum term for master’s students is 2 years, and for doctoral students 4 years.  

2.       Regarding the application of continuing of the “NCYU international students scholarship”, the awards (such as waiver of tuition and credit fees and monthly scholarship of 6,000-10,000 NT dollars) are according to the “Guidelines for International Students Scholarship of NCYU” from the academic year when the awardee first registered with NCYU; However, the requirements and obligations are according to the “ Guidelines for International Students Scholarship of NCYU” (in attachment 1)

3.       Those who would like to apply must send in the application form (attachment 2), the terms of agreement (attachment 3) , the transcripts from the previous academic year and recommendation letter to ISAD, OIA, before the 20th of July

4.      The name list of those who can continue their scholarship will be announced before the end of August on the OIA website.


* Download Files: *  Guidelines for International Students Scholarship of NCYU ( PDF ) / ( ZIP )
* Application_for_International_Student_Scholarship_(Academic_Year 107) ( DOC ) / ( PDF )
* International_Student_Scholarship_Terms_of_Agreement ( DOC ) / ( PDF )

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