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Bracket:2020 NCYU NEWS

Guided by NCYU Vice President Chishih Chu, the R&D team demonstrated products developed from the Golden Bead Soybeans and jelly mushroom polysaccharides. NCYU Creates a Base of Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Synergy among Industries, Government and Academic Research Organizations
  To pass on the heritage of 100-year agricultural development, National Chiayi University is committed to biotechnology development by integrating resources of the university and closing the education-jobs gap. It is also devoted to translating teachers and students’ results of research and development into practice that benefits the local industry, and fostering co-prosperity with joint effort from the alumni. Previously, the teachers of NCYU have studied the application of Golden Bead Soybeans as part of the Academic Technology Development Program, Ministry of Economic Affairs. Teachers from the College of Life Sciences and College of Agriculture worked together to put their research and development capacities into full display. They applied the radiation from the nuclear energy for the improvement of agricultural breeding in developing nutritional supplements for diabetic patients by breeding strains with high yields (3.5 metric tons per hectare), high protein and high isoflavone content. They also collaborated to breed excellent strains and develop fermented products of soy tempeh and soybean milk yogurt with antioxidants and functional content, as well as adversity-resistant soybean lines and rhizosphere probiotics adaptable to drastic environmental changes, with a view to promoting the value-added soybean industry.

  According to Vice President Chishih Chu, who is also Professor of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, the Chiayi region is one of the major producing areas of mushroom in Taiwan. By conducting “Value-added Application of the Whole Jelly Mushroom” as part of the Academic Technology Development Program of the Council of Agriculture, they hoped to increase the added value of the jelly mushroom industry, and promote by-product recycling. So far, they have initiated three technical transfer cases related to jelly mushroom polysaccharides production technology, feed additives for animal immune regulation, and wound healing formula.

  In addition, NCYU is also dedicated to enhancing alumni network to facilitate product development. The Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, which developed the Golden Bead Soybeans and NCYU-Tainan No.2 Rice, cooperated with Cannon Winery, founded by an alumnus of the College of Life Sciences, in developing dry fermented soy sauce and “Wood Shochu” and “Chiachu” distilled from NCYU-Tainan No.2 Rice. They have also worked with the NCYU Staff Consumers’ Cooperative Store and Enterprise Incubation Center to create a one-stop healthy food development chain from production to restaurant. Results of research and development by NCYU teachers and students have been translated into products. They have not only established spin-off companies, but formulated measures for the establishment of innovation and entrepreneurship bases. The ultimate goal is to provide R&D teams with sites and funds for trial mass production instruments, thus achieving the goals of teachers and students putting knowledge into practice and self-financing of the university.

 NCYU Vice President Chishih Chu introduced Weng Chang-Liang, Magistrate of Chiayi County, to products made from “Golden Bead Soybeans.” Chiayi County Magistrate Weng Chang-Liang tasted soy tempeh.


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