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Bracket:2021 NCYU NEWS

A group photo taken after NCYU President Chyung Ay presented certificates of appointment to the top supervisors . NCYU Top Supervisors Appointment Ceremony: Pursuing Progress and Transformation through Joint Efforts
  Top Supervisors Appointment Ceremony of National Chiayi University for the second semester of the academic year 2020-2021 took place at the Zuei-Suei Hall, Lantan campus, on Feb. 1st at 10:00 a.m. A total of twelve top administrative supervisors and fourteen academic supervisors are newly appointed or reappointed, in addition to three outgoing administrative supervisors. President Chyung Ay presented certificates of appointment or reappointment to the supervisors, and certificates of appreciation to the three outgoing supervisors in recognition of their commitment to the university. The newly appointed administrative supervisors included Lee Hung-Wen, Dean of International Affairs; Shu-Mei Chang, Chairwoman of the Department of Education; and Shih-Yi Chen, Chairman of the Department of Animal Science.

  In his remarks, President Chyung Ay expressed gratitude to Mr. Li Deng-Ming, a member of the Ming-Hsiung Campus Division of the Office of Academic Affairs, who has been devoting himself to serving NCYU for thirty years. In the midst of shrinking educational resources, he hoped that all the faculty and staff members can grow and adapt with the times in service of education. Together, they will do their best to facilitate the development of different units of the university, and provide teachers with high-quality teaching and research space, students with a sound learning environment, and employees with a friendly workplace. As the times are changing, a progressive teaching philosphy needs to be adopted. The teaching methodology thirty years ago need to be transformed and innovated to solve the problems now facing us. As digital transformation has been adopted by the Ministry of Education as one of the forward-looking plans, the capacity of digital transformation on a national scale will be key to our national power over the next decade. In response to the relentless Covid-19 pandemic, and enrollment declines due to low birthrate, the Office of Academic Affairs has been actively assisting teachers in digitally transforming teaching materials.

  Lin Bin-Hong, who recently left the post as Chairman of the Department of Animal Science, said he was honored to behold the glorious moment of the centennial anniversary of NCYU, and organize department-level graduation ceremonies and quality evaluation, when serving several posts. All these were unprecedented administrative experience to him, and he was grateful to the President, College of Agriculture Dean Han Chien Lin, faculty and staff for their support and assistance. NCYU is like a family where he has been serving as a teacher for more than three decades. With a grateful heart, he will continue to spare no effort to serve NCYU in the days to come.

A group photo taken after NCYU President Chyung Ay presented certificates of appointment to the second-level supervisors . Lin Bin-Hong, who recently left the post as Chairman of the Department of Animal Science, made his remarks.


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