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Bracket:2021 NCYU NEWS

嘉大艾群校長(中)帶領朱紀實副校長(右2)、楊德清副校長(左2)及國際處同仁參與「2021臺泰日三校線上研討會」。 2021 Trilateral Symposium on SDGs among CMU-NCYU-KU will be held on September 1, 2021
  The virtual Trilateral Symposium on SDGs is jointly organized by Chiang Mai University, (CMU), Thailand, Kagawa University, (KU) Japan, and National Chiayi University, (NCYU), Taiwan. The Opening ceremony of the Symposium will be held in the Lantan media studio in the afternoon of September 1, 2021. The number of the faculty and student participants will be around 300. President Professor Ay, Chyung will host the opening ceremony at Lantan campus. This symposium provides an avenue for academics, administrators, and students from the three institutions of higher learning to share and create a network that will be of exceptional value. The theme of the symposium is based on SDGs and COVID-19 pandemic criteria, and the topics of sessions include sustainability and health, sustainability and food, sustainability and technology, sustainability and education, and students’ lives under COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. There will be 25 NCYU student participants joining the student sessions of the trilateral symposium on SDGs.

  By taking this opportunity, the three institutions will sign Memorandum of Cooperation for Joint Symposia at the opening ceremony. With the objective of strengthening mutual cooperation, the three institutions anticipate to promote the development of deeper research and educational activities by holding joint symposia. Each University will hold a joint symposium every 2 years to foster research collaboration, academic activities, and student mobility. The host university of the 2022 Tri-University Symposium will be Kagawa University.

  NCYU highly values international partnerships and collaborations. The international partners bring together different perspectives and insights adding value to our education and research. NCYU has built strong connection with CMU and KU by cooperating with faculty and student mobility, virtual learning workshop, and various fields of research collaboration. We hope to continue intensifying existing collaborations, and develop innovated programs in education and research with the two institutions in the near future.

三所學校師生參與2021臺泰日三校線上研討會合影。 嘉大與泰國清邁大學及日本香川大學線上簽署合作備忘錄合影。 三所學校師生參與2021臺泰日三校線上研討會合影。


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