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** The Latest News

Create Date:2008-12-08
Update Date:2008-12-08
Department:Department of Horticultural Science

NCYU Confers Honorary Doctor’s Degree of Education to NUA President Ing. Pedro Gerardo Gonzales from Paraguay

In acknowledgement of his unswerving work on promoting academic and cultural exchange between Taiwan and Paraguay, National Chiayi University confers an Honorary Doctor’s Degree of Education to President Ing. Pedro Gerardo Gonzales of National University of Asuncion (NUA) in Paraguay. The conferment takes place on the afternoon of Dec. 3rd at 3:30 pm at the International Conference Hall on Lantan Campus, NCYU.

NUA President Ing. Pedro Gerardo Gonzales is reputable for his devotion to student education, teacher professional enhancement and international collaboration. He has long been dedicated to the cause of facilitating academic, cultural and technological exchanges between Taiwan and Paraguay. He merits recognition for his unfailing efforts on boosting the two-way cultural and educational development of the two countries. To acknowledge his dedication, NCYU specially confers him Honorary Doctor’s Degree of Education. President Ing. Pedro Gerardo Gonzales marks the second foreigner who is conferred Honorary Doctor’s Degree by NCYU, following the President of the Republic of Paraguay.

National University of Asuncion, Paraguay, signed the memorandum on academic cooperation and a sister school agreement with NCYU in 2002. Last December, NCYU donated computers to the university in hope of helping improve the information device at its main library. NUA President Ing. Pedro Gerardo Gonzales specially expresses his gratitude to sister school NCYU for conferring Honorary Doctor’s Degree of Education.

Mr. Ing. Pedro Gerardo Gonzales has been cooperating with Taiwan intimately in terms of culture and education since serving as the president of NUA from 2004 till now. He loses no effort in facilitating two-way academic, cultural and technological exchanges with Taiwan, and has established the “Center for Study Abroad in Taiwan”. He has also been recommending teachers in various fields from NUA to visit Taiwan for research, and two teachers to carry out a Spanish language lecture tour at colleges and universities around Taiwan. During his term as NUA President, apart from launching long-term cooperation with the ROC Technical Mission Team in Paraguay on pig-raising centers and vegetables center, he helps plead the cause of Taiwan joining UN and other international organizations. His dedication to promoting international exchanges for Taiwan and Paraguay is in every sense to be commended.

NUA President Ing. Pedro Gerardo Gonzales is on his six-day academic exchange visit in Taiwan, under the invitation of the Ministry of Education. Accepting the conferment of the honorary degree from and carrying out exchanges with NCYU is part of his schedule in Taiwan. Embassy in Paraguay requested NCYU to assist him in arranging his trips in Taiwan. To improve overall academic quality among teachers in NUA, he also plans to visit National Taiwan Normal University, PingTung University of Science & Technology and other sister schools, as well as National Sun Yat-sen University and National Chung Cheng University for exchange and cooperation in real terms. Cooperation projects such as recommending teachers to study for master’s degrees or above in Taiwan and inviting Taiwanese professors to offer short-term intensive programs in Paraguay will also be discussed.





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