Banana growers will appeal Biosecurity Australia's decision to allow bananas from the Phillipines into Australia.

The Australian Banana Growers’ Council will allege a number of “serious deviations” from the usual import risk analysis process used by BA.
It will also allege significant scientific data about Phillipines pest black sigtoka spores was not considered.
The BA report named 21 pests and diseases of concern to Australia, but claimed risks could be mitigated.
ABGC Imports Committee chairman Len Collins said as pest management would need to be carried out on the farms in the Philippines, he could not have confidence the work would be carried out.
“The Philippines does not have a quarantine culture,” Mr Collins said.
“It is a disturbing thought that the IRA proposes putting Australia’s quarantine security in the hands of Philippines banana companies.”
Mr Collins said BA’s report contained almost no detail about how the Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service would make sure exporters complied with the quarantine conditions.

When Australian growers export produce overseas, they are forced to pay the cost of AQIS inspecting and clearing their produce for export.


*This news is a quote from the「WeeklyTimesNow」.