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last update time 2020/09/22
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** Introduction

Interpretation Practice Room
Location Feature Facilities
The Creativity Building B01-404 an interpretation practice room that allows for an interactive, individualized audio instruction and simultaneous interpretation overhead projector, large-scale screen, visualizer overhead projector, surround audio, DVD VHS video and two simultaneous interpretation labs
Multimedia Studio
Location Feature Facilities
The Creativity Building B01-405 used for the processing of audio-visual data and the production of multimedia material non-linear video editing(montage) system, video and sound recorder and a recording studio.
Multifunction Studio
Location Feature Facilities
The Creativity Building B01-204 desks and chairs are set up similar to the general meeting with the venue, the students in the training course of the speech, just as formal speech -
Learning Room
Location Feature Facilities
The Creativity Building B01- 225 Provide computer online learning by software, arranging foreign teachers and English teachers provide small English tutoring, the provision of language learning books and materials and venues research group discussion or individual self-study computers, laptops and related books or resources
Japanese-style Room
Location Feature Facilities
The Creativity Building B10-212 The class that is hold in this room is centered on the topic that is related to Japanese's life Japanese-style room including the Japanese self-learning books and so forth.





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