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last update time 2023/05/26
:::* Home > For International Students > International Students Health Insurance

** For International Students

Create Date:2015-01-14
Update Date:2015-01-14

Info about applying for medical cost


All new international students have the group insurance cover; this is to make sure you are all covered before you qualify for Taiwans National Health Insurance.


If you need to apply for medical cost, please prepare the documents below and bring it to OIA and let us send it for you.


Please note that if the incurred medical cost is accepted by the insurance company, the money will be paid into your bank account directly.


Required documents for application of insurance cover:


1. Application form (theres a sample), fill in personal info:


2. Medical Certificate醫院診斷書with stamps from the hospital/clinic and the doctor必須蓋醫院及醫師章。

3. Receipts and any details收據正本及醫療明細。

4. Copy of the cover of your bank book for transferring money匯款金融機構之存褶影本。

5. Copy of ARC居留證影本


Please send all 5 items together五項資料齊全


The contact address is


國泰人壽團險部 王萬鑫



If you need to inquire about any further detail, please call Mr. Wang

國泰人壽團險部 王萬鑫 02-5571-6635

Reminder about insurance

If you are not qualified to get National Health Insurance, remember to buy commercial medical insurance or others by yourselves.  Any further question, please come to International Student Affairs.

* Download Files: *  international health insurance ( TIFF ) / international health insurance RAR ( RAR )
* application form ( PDF ) / application form RAR ( RAR )
* application form (sample) ( PDF ) / RAR application form (sample) ( RAR )




Copyright © 2014 National Chiayi University

Master Program in Educational Administration and Policy Development, Department of Eductaion

No.85, Wunlong Village, Minsyong Township, Chiayi County 621, Taiwan (R.O.C)

TEL:+886-5-2263411#2421~2423     Fax:+886-5-2260149


