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last update time 2023/05/26
:::* Home > For International Students > What is「National Health Insurance」?

** For International Students

What is「National Health Insurance」?



1Intro: Taiwan’s NHI is a compulsory program. Its coverage extends to virtually all the population in Taiwan. With this safety net, everyone is protected: if anyone falls ill, gets injured, give birth etc. they can receive medical service.


2Who is qualified? Foreign students enrolled in educational institutes in Taiwan and have ARCs may join the NHI from the time they have resided in Taiwan for 6 full months. (During this 6-months-period they are permitted to leave Taiwan only once, for no more than 30 days).


3How to join? Foreign students with ARCs can join the NHI with the assistance of OIA, Division of International Students Affairs


4Period of Insurance CoverSept to Feb in the fall semester, March to Aug in the spring semester


5Special notes


(1) When any student graduates, suspends their studies or drops out etc. They need to come to OIA to apply to transfer/cancel their NHI.


(2)Any further details please check the NHI webpage:





Copyright © 2014 National Chiayi University

Master Program in Educational Administration and Policy Development, Department of Eductaion

No.85, Wunlong Village, Minsyong Township, Chiayi County 621, Taiwan (R.O.C)

TEL:+886-5-2263411#2421~2423     Fax:+886-5-2260149


