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:::* Home > ★Staff > Shiang Liang Chen,Assistant Professor

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Name: Shiang Liang Chen

Tel: 05-2717549




1.      Quality Control and Research & Development in Meat Products

2.      Utilization of Animal By-Product

3.      HACCP in the Meat Production Chain Industry

4.      New Idea in Animal Science and Technology

5.      Poultry Products Processing

6.      New Animal Products



1.      Application of functional protein

2.      Carcass evaluation and meat handling

3.      Meat processing technology and safety control

4.      Utilization of meat products


Academic Researches:


1.林高塚、陳祥良2006。溶菌酶之特性及其在肉品之應用。優質國產豬肉加工技術研討會。       ISBN 9789578861664



4. Kou-Joong, Lin and Shiang-Liang, Chen. 2013. Physicochemical properties of lysozyme and its role in disease (Chapter 6). In Lysozymes: Sources, Functions and Role in Disease (X. G. Maang and W. F. Cheung, eds.) pp. 171-192, Nova Science Publishers, Inc., New York. (ISBN: 978-1-62257-841-2)



1.Shiang-Liang Chen, Yih-Ming Weng, Jan-Jeng Huang, Kou-Joong Lin. 2012. Physicochemical characteristics and bacteriostatic ability of modified lysozyme from lactic acid-induced gelled egg white powder. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 36 (3): 232-241. (SCI)



1.李欣瑾、陳祥良、林高塚。2012。應用乳酸菌醱酵米糠埋植法製作中式香腸之品質特性。台灣農業化學與食品科學。50: 1-11.




5.王舒靜、陳祥良、林高塚。2005。應用酸誘導性凝膠雞蛋蛋白粉末試製酸性重組漢堡肉。台灣農業化學與食品科學。 43(2)103-107





1. Chen S. L., Y. M. Weng, J. J. Huang and K. J. Lin. 2011. Microbiological and physicochemical characteristics of fresh and meat ball as affected by edible soy protein isolated films and coating lactic acid-induced egg white powder. 57th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology.  session 14, p. 330. Ghent, Belgium.

2. Chen S. L., Y. M. Weng, J. J. Huang and K. J. Lin. 2010. Physicochemical characteristics and bacteriostatic ability of modified lysozyme from lactic acid-induced gelled egg white powder. The 14th Animal Science Congress of the Asian-Australasian Association of Animal Production Societies, Vol 1, p.339-344, Pingtung, Taiwan. (Oral presentation)

3. Chen S. L., Y. M. Weng, J. J. Huang and K. J. Lin. 2010. Development and evaluation of edible antimicrobial films incorporated with lactic acid-induced egg white powder. 台灣食品科學技術學會第四十次會員大會手冊。第163頁。中興大學,台中。

4. 黃勃翔、陳祥良、林高塚。2008。不同電昏器之電昏處理對豬隻屠體屠肉品質之影響。中國畜牧學會誌。37(增刊)128

5. 鄭裕明、陳祥良、林高塚。2008。透氣與真空包裝處理切片燻茶鵝品質儲藏安定性之比較中國畜牧學會誌。37(增刊)327

6. 董其瑾、陳祥良、林高塚。2008。酸鹼浸漬液處理對鵝肫理化特性之影響。中國畜牧學會誌。37(增刊)332

7. Chang, K. C., Chen, S. L. and Lin, K. J. 2007. The correlation of three rigor mortis degree carcasses and PSE, RSE, RPF and DFD meat. 53rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, section Ⅲ, p.161, Beijing, China.

8. Chen S. L., Chou, C. K. and Lin, K. J. 2007. Physicochemical characteristics of Ba-Tseng fresh sausage affected by lactic acid-induced gelled egg white powder and sodium lactate. 53rd International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, section Ⅳ, pp. 415. Beijing, China.

9. Chen S. L., Chang, K. C. and Lin, K. J. 2005 Quality characteristics of Ba-Tseng fresh pork sausage as affected by acid-induced gelled egg white powder and sodium lactate. 51st International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, section Ⅳ, p.138. Baltimore, Maryland U.S.A.

10. 陳祥良、林高塚。2004。應用乳酸誘導性凝膠雞蛋蛋白粉末及乳酸鈉對八珍生香腸品質性狀之影響。中國畜牧學會會誌。33275(增刊)

11. 陳祥良、張康芝、林高塚。2004。酸誘導性凝膠雞蛋蛋白膠體及粉末理化特性之研究。中華民國食品科學技術學會第34屆會員大會。

12. 陳祥良、張康芝、江佩玲、林高塚。2003。酸誘導性凝膠雞蛋蛋白粉末對絞碎豬肉微生物抑制性之評估。中國畜牧學會誌。32(4)260

14. 許哲銘、陳祥良、王舒靜、張康芝、林高塚。2003。中草藥對生鮮香腸脂質氧化安定性之評估。中國畜牧學會會誌。32(4)259

15. 林高塚、曾再富、周仲光、王舒靜、陳祥良。2002。應用酸誘導性凝膠雞蛋白蛋白粉末試製非醱酵性半乾式中香腸。中華民國食品科學技術學會第32屆會員大會。

16. 陳祥良、張倍豪、蔡聰敏、林高塚、曾再富。2001。醋酸、檸檬酸及三聚合磷酸鈉、碳酸氫鈉處理淘汰蛋雞腿肉,對其動態黏彈性和乳化力等理化性狀之影響。中華民國食品科學技術學會第31屆會員大會。





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Department of Animal Science

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