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* * 系主任張景行副教授



1.     Chang, C.-H., Hooker, N. H., Jones, E. and Sam, A. (2011), Organic and conventional milk purchase behaviors in Central Ohio. Agribusiness, 27: 311–326. doi: 10.1002/agr.20269 "Empirical Test of Effects of Voluntary and Mandatory Regulations on Environmental Innovation.”, submitted to Regulatory Economics.

2.     Chiang-Ming Chen, Chia-Yu Yeh, Ching-Hsing Chang* (2014, June) Volunteering and Life Satisfaction:An Investigation of Endogeneity. Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, 55(1),21-32.【通訊作者,SSCI

3.     張景行,李佳珍,盧永祥(201410月)。「臺灣菸農對菸權的願受價格之研究」,調查研究方法與應用,32:129-158。【第一作者,TSSCI

4.     Ching-Hsing Chang, Abdoul G. Sam (2015, Jan). Corporate Environmentalism and Environmental Innovation. Journal of Environmental Management, 153,84-92. 【第一作者,SCI

5.     Chun-Hsien Wang , Ching-Hsing Chang*, George C. Shen (2015, Jul). TheEffect of Inbound Open Innovation on Firm Performance: Evidence from High-tech Industry. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 99,222-230.【通訊作者,SSCI

6.  Chun-Hsien Wang, Shi-Zheng Huang, Ching-Hsing Chang (Presenter), Po-Jin Lin, and Yuan-Yin Chiew(2015,Aug). Co-innovation network driven entrepreneurship in high-tech technology -evidences from China.

7.  Ching-Hsing Chang, Ching-Hung Chang, Pi-Kun Hsu, Sheng-Yung Yang (2015,Oct). Internationalization, Competition and Innovation.

8.  Chang, Ching-Hsing, Ching-Hung Chang, Abdoul Sam (2016, Aug). Explorative and Exploitative Environmental Innovation: the Role of Corporate Environmentalism.

9.  Shen, Yung-Chi, Chen, Min-Nan, Chang, Ching-Hsing, Lee, Jun-Yen, and Wang, Chun-Hsien (2016, Oct). Analysis of Internationals among the Barriers to University-Industry Technology Transfer in Taiwan: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective

10.  Ching-Hsing Chang, Ching-Hung Chang, Pi-Kun Hsu, Sheng-Yung Yang (2018, Jun). The catalytic effect of internationalization on innovation. European Financial Management.Volume25, Issue4 September 2019 Pages 942-977.

11.  Chun-Hsien Wang, Min-Nan Chen, and Ching-Hsing Chang (2019).The double-edged effect of knowledge search on innovation generation processes. European Journal of Innovation Management.Vol. 23 No. 1, pp. 156-176.

12.  Jun-Yen Lee, Ching-Hsing Chang (2019, May).Efforts toward Creating a Sustainable Business Model: An Empirical Investigation of Small-Scale Certified Forestry Firms in Taiwan. Sustainability.Volume 11  Issue 9  10.3390/su11092523.

13.  Ching-Hsing Chang (2019, Jul).Managerial Compensation and Environmental Innovation.

14.  陳旻男、張景行、王俊賢、謝怡銘(201910)。「混合式創新保護模式探討:以新創資訊服務業 C 公司為實證。」

15.  Chia-Yu Yeh, Ching-Hsing Chang (2019, Nov).The Optimal Location, Price and Scale Strategies for the Hotel Industry. 農業經濟叢刊 Taiwanese Agricultural Economic Review.農業經濟叢刊 25卷2期 ( 2019/12) , 83-112


  1. Ching-Hsing Chang (presenter), Neal Hooker, Eugene Jones, and Abdoul Sam. “Organic and Conventional Fluid Milk Consumption in Central Ohio”. Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Kauai, Hawaii, June 24-26, 2009.
  1. 許應哲、盧永祥、張景行,2012/05/121~2012/12/31,「台灣菸農經營現況及轉作可行性調炸查」,農委會[101農基金-菸-糧-01] 。
  2. 張景行,2013/08/01~2014/07/31,「從科技創新與科技改良的面相來探討自願性的污染減量對環保科技之影響」,科技部[NSC 102-2410-H-415-004]。
  3. 張景行,2014/08/01~2015/07/31,「探討經理人報酬與企業社會責任的因果關係」,科技部[MOST 103-2410-H-415-004]。
  4. 張景行,2015/08/01~2016/07/31,「美國環境保護署的污染預防措施是否有效增進化石燃料電廠的環境效率」,科技部[MOST 104-2410-H-415-006]。
  5. 張景行,2019/08/01~2020/07/31,「以雙元學習觀點探討研發國際化對於企業科技創新表現的影響」,科技部[MOST 108-2410-H-415-013]。





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