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* * 陳旻男副教授




  1. Chen, Min-Nan and Wu, Chia-Hung (2020) Complementary-in Use Appropriability in Innovative Service Firms: An Empirical Study in Taiwan, Research Policy, 49(7), 104014. [SSCI, IF 2018=5.425, Management: 21/217 (2018)] [科技部人文司管理一學門推薦第一級期刊]
  2. 陳旻男、吳佳虹、謝怡銘 (2020) 混合式創新保護機制之動態歷程:資訊系統開發個案分析,產業與管理論壇,22(4),60-79。[TSSCI國科會人文處管理一推薦期刊]
  3. Wang, Chun-Hsien, Chen, Min-Nan and Chang, Ching-Hsing (2020) The Double-Edged Effect of Knowledge Search on Innovation Generation, European Journal of Innovation Management, 23(1), 156-176. .[Corresponding Author, SSCI, IF 2018=1.793]
  4. Chen, Min-Nan and Chang, Yuan-Chieh (2019) Absorptive Capacity, Appropriability Depth and New Product Development in Taiwanese Service Firms, Asian Journal of Technology Innovation, 27(1), 108-133. [Corresponding Author, SSCI]
  5. 陳旻男、薄榮薇、張嘉心 (2018) 服務創新保護模式探討-以統合觀點分析,科技管理學刊23 (3)1-34[第一作者兼通訊作者,TSSCI國科會人文處管理一推薦期刊]
  6. 陳旻男、張元杰、孫禎罄 (2017) 知識密集型服務業的創新保護以資訊服務業為例,管理評論36 (3)1-20[第一作者兼通訊作者,TSSCI國科會人文處管理一推薦期刊]
  7. Chang, Yuan-Chieh and Chen, Min-Nan. (2016) Service Regime and Innovation Clusters: An Empirical Study from Service Firms in Taiwan, Research Policy, 45(9), 1845-1857. [Corresponding Author, SSCI, IF 2015=3.470, Planning & Development: 2/55 (2015)] [科技部人文司管理一學門推薦第一級期刊]
  8. 張元杰、陳旻男、陳佳慶,(2016)。研發與創新抵免之優先性:階層分析法研究,中山管理評論24 (3)531-564[通訊作者,TSSCI 科技部人文司管理一學門推薦期刊]
  9. Chang, Y. C., Linton, J. D., and Chen, M. N. (2012). Service Regime: An Empirical Analysis of Innovation Patterns in Service Firms, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 79(9), 1569-1582. [SSCI, IF 2012=2.106]
  10. Chang, Y. C. and Chen, M. N. (2011). On the Transformation of Public Sector Research: A Preliminary Post-STBL Assessment in Taiwan, Technological Forecasting & Social Change, 78(3), 498-513. [SSCI, IF 2011 =1.709)
  11. 張元杰、陳旻男2010。新創事業成長策略:商機-資源-組織的共演,科技管理學刊15 (2)83-116[通訊作者,TSSCI]


  1. Chen, Yu-Chun and Chen, Min-Nan (2019). Open Collaborative Innovation in Informal Economy: The Emergence of Shenzhen Mobile Phone Industry. SOItmC (Society of Open Innovation: Technology, Market & Complexity) & Meijo University 2019 Conference, Jun. 28- Jul 1, Nagoya, Japan.
  2. 張元杰、陳旻男、滕敏君、曾延偉 (2018)。知識創新與保護-以管理顧問公司為實證,2018海峽兩岸科技管理學術年會112日,政治大學,台北。
  3. 林淵博、張元杰、陳旻男 (2018)。排除台灣電動車產業創新系統失靈之惡性循環,2018海峽兩岸科技管理學術年會112日,政治大學,台北。
  4. Chen, Min-Nan, Chang, Yuan-Chieh, and Lin, Yuan-Po. (2018). System Failures Co-Evolution: An Empirical Evidence from Taiwan’s Electric Vehicle Sector. DRUID 2018, Jun. 11-13, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  5. 陳旻男、陳鈺淳、周宜蓁 (2018)。使用者創新驅動技術商品化-價值共創探討,2018第八屆管理與決策學術暨實務研討會:服務業創新發展54日,南華大學,嘉義。
  6. 張元杰、陳旻男、黃妙、蔡麗婷 (2017)。台灣機器人理財新創公司商業模式發展: T公司 & F公司為實證,2017 中華民國科技管理學會年會與研討會 (CSMOT)121-2日,政治大學,台北。
  7. Chen, Min-Nan and Wu, Chia-Hung. (2017). Complementary-in Use Appropriability in Service Firms: An Empirical Study in Taiwan, 2017 International Conference on Technology Policy and Innovation (ICTPI), Sep. 27-29, Taipei, Taiwan.
  8. Chen, Min-Nan. (2017). Customer Involvement, Appropriability and Innovation Performance: A Structure Equitation Model View. 2017 International Academic Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovations (IACETI), Jul. 18-19, Seoul, Korea.
  9. Shen, Yung-Chi, Chen, Min-Nan, Chang, Ching-Hsing, Chang, Lee, Jun-Yen, and Wang, Chun-Hsien. (2016). Analysis of Internationals among the Barriers to University-Industry Technology Transfer in Taiwan: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective. 2016 海峽兩岸科技管理學術年會暨研究生論壇1021-23日,長安大學,西安。
  10. Chen, Min-Nan and Wu, Chia-Hung. (2016). Modes of Appropriability in Taiwanese Innovating Service Firms: Reconsidering the Early Study of Thoma & Bizer (2013). DRUID 2016, Jun. 13-15, Copenhagen, Denmark. 
  11. Wu, Chia-Hung and Chen, Min-Nan. (2016). Technological Regime and Firm Innovative Entries: A Knowledge Structure Perspective. DRUID 2016, Jun. 13-15, Copenhagen, Denmark.
  12. 陳旻男、鍾婷、林毓珊、方懿晨、趙家君、趙潔閔 (2016)。以體驗行銷觀點探討傳統產業轉型之個案分析-以紡織業為例,2016生物產業學術研討會。63日,中興大學,台中。
  13. 陳旻男、張嘉心 (2015)。服務業創新保護模式探討:以台灣產業創新活動調查(2004-2006)實證,2015 中華民國科技管理學會年會與研討會 (CSMOT)1119-20日,清華大學,新竹。
  14. 陳旻男、沈白容 (2015)。台灣服務業國際化之研究:以吸收能力為觀點,2015 中華民國科技管理學會年會與研討會 (CSMOT)1119-20日,清華大學,新竹。
  15. 張元杰、陳旻男、孫禎罄 (2015)。知識密集型服務業的創新保護模式-以資訊服務業為例,2015 中華民國科技管理學會年會與研討會 (CSMOT)1119-20日,清華大學,新竹。
  16. 蔡馥陞、陳旻男 (2015)。開放式創新觀點下的產學合作體現:學術參與及商業化,2015 海峽兩岸科技管理學術年暨博士生論壇,1121日,清華大學,新竹。
  17. Chen, Min-Nan and Chang, Yuan-Chieh. 2015. Interactive Customer Involvement, Combined Appropriability, and Innovation Performance: Empirical Analysis from Taiwanese Service Firms, 2015 International Conference on Innovation and Industrial Management (IIM 2015), Aug. 23-25, Osaka, Japan.
  18. Chen, M. N., Chang, Y. C. and Chen M. H. 2014. How Customer Involvement Enhances Innovation Performance: The Moderating Effect of Appropriability, The 11th International Conference on Service Systems and Service Management (ICSSSM 2014), Jun. 25-27, Beijing, China.
  19. 張元杰、陳旻男、陳佳慶,2013。研發與創新抵免之優先性:階層分析法研究,2013 中華民國科技管理學會年會與研討會 (CSMOT)1128-30日,高雄第一科技大學,高雄。
  20. Chen, M. N. and Chang, Y. C. 2013. Customer Involvement, Appropriable Mechanism, and Innovation Performance: Empirical Analysis for Taiwanese Service Firms, QUIS 2013, Jun. 10-13, Karlstad, Sweden.
  21. Chang, Y. C. and Chen, M. N. 2012. Service Regime and Patterns of Innovation in Services: Towards a New Taxonomy, International Conference on Management of Technology 2012, Mar. 19-22, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
  22. Linton, J. D. and Chen, M. N. 2011. Projects Versus Portfolios: What are the Implications, Atlanta Conference on Science and Innovation Policy, Sep. 15-17, Atlanta, GA.
  23. Chen, M. N. and Chang, Y. C. 2011. Service Regime and Sectoral Patterns of Innovation in Services: a Reinvestigation using Miozzo & Soete Taxonomy, DRUID 2011, Jun. 15-17, Copenhagen, Demark.
  24. Chang, Y. C. and Chen, M. N. 2011. Service Regime and Service Taxonomy: Evidence from the Taiwan Innovation Survey, International Conference on Management of Technology 2011, Apr. 10-14, Miami, Florida.
  25. Chang, Y. C. and Chen, M. N. 2010. Pattern of Sectoral Innovation in Services: Evidences from Taiwan Innovation Survey (2004-2006), 7th Asialics International Conference 2010, Apr. 15-17, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan.
  26. Chang, Y. C., Yang, P. Y., Chen, M. N., and Tasi-Lin, T. F. 2010. The Impacts of Academic Patenting on Paper Publication: A Quantity-Quality Examination, International Conference on Management of Technology 2010, Mar. 8-11, 2010, Cairo, Egypt.
  27. Chang, Y. C. and Chen, M. N. 2009. Service Patterns of Innovation in Services: The Service Regimes Perspective, R&D Management Conference 2009, WKO, Jun. 21-24, Vienna, Austria.
  28. Chang, Y. C. and Chen, M. N. 2009. Service Patterns of Innovation in Services: Towards Service Regimes Perspective, Tsing Hua PhD Student Conference on Technology Management (兩岸清華科技管理博士生研討會), Apr. 23-25, Beijing, China.
  29. 張元杰、陳旻男,2008。新創事業發展策略:機會-資源-組織的共演, 2008 中華民國科技管理學會年會與研討會 (CSMOT)1213-14日,政治大學, 臺北。


  1. 臺越(MOST)雙邊協議型擴充加值(Add-on)國際合作研究計畫:創新調查:企業研發創新、產業創新、台灣與越南之國家創新系統 [2020/01-2022/12]-(計畫共同主持人) 科技部。
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  6. 服務創新保護模式:以整合學派為觀點 [2015]-(計畫主持人) 科技部。






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