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last update time 2021/06/08
:::* Home > Teacher portfolio > Wen-Shi Tsai,Associate Professor


Wen-Shi Tsai

(Associate Professor, Department of Plant Medicine, National Chiayi University)



Address: Department of Plant Medicine, National Chiayi University

No. 300 Syuefu Rd., Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan (R. O. C)

TEL: 05-2717839 (O)




2008/06, Doctor of Agriculture in Plant Pathology, National Chung-Hsing University

1993/06, Master of Science in Molecular Biology, National Chung-Hsing University

1991/06, Bachelor of Science in Botany, National Chung-Hsing University



Associate Professor, Department of Plant Medicine, National Chiayi University (2014-present)

Associate Specialist, Virology Unit, AVRDC- The World Vegetable Center (2009-2014)

Principal Research Assistant, Virology Unit, AVRDC- The World Vegetable Center (1996-2008)



English, Chinese and Taiwanese



Ø Survey of plant virus diseases in Cambodia, Ethiopia, Honduras, Indonesia, Mali, Philippines, Taiwan, Tanzania, Thailand and Vietnam

Ø Multilocation screening of begomovirus resistances (cucurbit, pepper and tomato)

Ø Plant virus diagnostics, epidemiology and host rang study

Ø Characterization of plant virus by RT-PCR, IC-RT-PCR, Northern hybridization, ELISA, Western blot, genomic sequencing and infectious clone

Ø Resistance screening and rating of germplasm, breeding lines for virus disease management (potyviruses, geminiviruses, tospoviruses, cucumoviruses, tobamoviruses)

Ø Development of transgenic tomato resistant to CMV, potyviruses and geminiviruses using CP, antisense gene and gene silencing strategy

Ø Project proposal development and project management

Ø Supervising /training of research scholars in virological methods and research topics

** Wen-Shi Tsai,Associate Professor
Wen-Shi Tsai,Associate Professor
*Date Bracket Title
* 2014-11-26 Wen-Shi TsaiDOCX(74.48 KB) / RAR(70.76 KB)

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