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* Department of Plant Medicine *
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last update time 2021/06/08
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** Sitemap


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1. Home

  1-1 Introduction

  1-2 Curriculum

  1-3 Teacher portfolio
    1-3-1 郭章信 主任
    1-3-2 王進發 副教授
    1-3-3 Wen-Shi Tsai,Associate Professor
    1-3-4 Chien-Jui Huang Associate Professor
    1-3-5 I-Hsin Sung Assistant Professor
    1-3-6 Ming-Ying Lin Assistant Professor
    1-3-7 Chih-Hung Lin Assistant Professor
    1-3-8 Yen-Po Lin Assistant Professor
    1-3-9 Ching-Tzu Tseng Assistant Professor

  1-4 Map of School Campus

  1-5 Academic Calendar

  1-6 Contact Us

  1-7 News/Announcements
    1-7-1 2014 World Eggs Day in NCYU

  1-8 Downlond


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