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last update time 2023/05/31
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Department of Electrical Engineering

The Department of Electrical Engineering was established in August 2008. The mission of this department is to explore students’ potential in finding and solving scientific and engineering problems. The department will give the students an environment to balance their work and pressure so that they can use positive thinking and keep the healthy mental state in all areas of their lives. In addition, our outstanding teachers are always willing to share valuable experiences with the students, in the hope that they can achieve their dreams in their own perspective and future. Currently, there are three full-time professors, and four full-time associate professors, and two full-time assistant professors in this department. All of them have doctorate degrees and sufficient experience in cooperating with other international and local research centers. This department is not fixed with his current achievement and has strong willing to constantly engage other outstanding professor into it. We can expect that some more brilliant professors will join this family in this few years.

So far, this department has one discussion room for teachers and students to discuss their own issues; one computer classroom for software development; one electronic circuit laboratory, one micro-processor laboratory, one digital logic laboratory and one multimedia classroom for interactive teaching purposes. All of the students not only can obtain sufficient knowledge from various engineering courses but also can build up sufficient experimental abilities to meet industrial needs. To deal with high standing research demands, some advanced research laboratories named: (1) Intelligent Sensing, Learning, Recognition Laboratory, (2) Integrated Circuits Design and Electro-Optical System Application Laboratory, (3) Mixed-Signal Integrated Circuits and Systems Laboratory, (4) Signal Processing Laboratory, (5) RF/Microwave Communication Laboratory, (6) Optical Fiber Communication Laboratory, (7) power Electronics and Renewable Energy Laboratory, (8) Wireless Communication System Laboratory, and (9) Automatic Control Laboratory are also established for professors as well as for master students to accomplish their researches.

Currently, the Department of Electrical Engineering is divided into two groups: (A) Systematic Group: Communication, Multimedia, Electric Electron, Embedded System Design, SoC, and Electro-mechanics (energy) Combine; (B) Electronic Group: FPGA/VLSI Design, Power electronics & renewable energy, and Semiconductor Project, etc.





Copyright © 2014 National Chiayi University
No.300 Syuefu Rd., Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
TEL: +886-5-2717588 (Office of Department)
TEL: +886-5-2717589 (Office of Chairperson)
TEL: +886-5-2717727 (Room of Chairperson)
TEL: +886-5-2717726 (Assistants)