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* Dept. of Microbiology, Immunology and Biopharmaceuticals *
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last update time 2023/05/31
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A Brief History


National Chiayi University was founded in February 2000 by merging two existing colleges in Chiayi — National Chiayi Institute of Technology (NCIT) and National Chiayi Normal College (NCTC). Since college of Life Sciences was established in the Lantan campus, August 2000, two new departments and one new graduate institute have been founded.


The Department of Applied Microbiology (AMB) was established in August 2001. By introduction of new member in Immunology area, this department changed its name to “Department of Microbiology and Immunology (DMI)” by addition of the master's program since August 2006. The Graduate Institute of Biopharmaceutical Sciences (GIBS) was established in August, 2002 and renamed as “Gradate Institute of Biomedicines and Biopharphaceutics” in August, 2006. To share the facilities and strengthen research, these two institute have merged in administration affairs since August, 2005. Recently, our department and graduate institute will formerly join together as one unit “Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Biopharmaceutics”, which consist of BS and MS program in August, 2010. Our department has 13 faculties, which are grouped into three research based on the expertise of our faculty member. Recently, we are applying for PhD program.


     The chairperson and director of our department and graduate institute as in the following:

Department of Microbiology and Immunology

(Department of Applied Microbiology )

Biopharmaceutics (Graduate Institute of Biopharmaceutics)

Dr. Ling-Ling Yang  (2001/8-2003/7)

Dr. Ling-Ling Yang  (2002/8-2004/7)

Dr. Jwu-Guh Tsay (2003/8-2005/7)

Dr. Wen-Fong Hsiao (2004/8-2005/7)

Dr. Jwu-Guh Tsay  (2005/8 -2008/7)

Dr. Chishih Chu (2008/7-2010/7)

(Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Biopharmaceutics)

Dr. Chishih Chu (2010/8-2011/7)

Dr. Being-Sun Wung(2011/8-2014/7)

Dr.Ching-Hsein Chen(2014/8-2017/7)

Dr.Brian Bor-Chun Weng(2017/8-2019/7)

Dr.Lih-Geeng Chen(2019/8~迄今





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