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last update time 2023/05/31
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                                                                    Career Development

    Job opportunities: With accomplishing our courses and research training, the graduates have a broad range of selection for theit future plan. The graduates also can be employed as public officers, research assistants and technicians in the government agencies, research institutes, and industries.

Advanced studies: Our graduates can persuade Master and PhD programs in the fields of Microbiology, Immunology, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, biopharmaceuticals and other related fields of life sciences.



    Our department will train students to meet the higher standard in needs of  the academic and industrial areas of microbiology, immunology, as well as Biomedical Science fields. Faculty members are integrated into high-level research teams with specialization and project development and are collaborated with faculties of other institutes to extend the cooperation and initiate a new program.





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