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last update time 2023/05/31
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Our goal is to provide an excellent training on both the basic knowledge of microbiology, immunology and biomedical and biopharmaceutical sciences. It aims to provide a complete training in medical & pharmaceutical microbiology, human physiology, immunology, molecular microbiology and applied microbiology, which develops to fundamental and applied areas of microbiology, biotechnology, and biomedical science. In the herb medicines, we develop a system for students to understand identification of Chinese herbal medicine, endemic plant resource, bioactive natural product chemistry, chromatographic analysis of herbal medicine, pharmacological study of Chinese herbs and pure compounds, cellular mechanisms of drugs, gene regulation and signal transduction, inflammation and cytokines, synthesis of new compound and etc. Further, we teach our student in research in natural medicine and the assessment of biological active compounds. Recently, 13 full-time faculties are in our department. members.                            


     The Department of Microbiology, Immunology , and Biopharmaceuticals (DMIB) offers a four-year program for the degree of Bachelor of Life Science. The students must complete a minimum of 128 credits. We offer courses in microbiology, immunology and biophamarceuticals. For master program of Master of Life Science, the students must complete a minimum of 30 credits, including 8 credits of required courses, 6 credits of thesis, and 3 credits of Advanced Microbiology, advanced Immunology, Advanced Biopharmaceuticals, or Advanced Biomedicines and 13 credits of elective courses.





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