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Academic Programs

Create Date:2008-09-15
Update Date:2010-08-24
Department:Department of Forestry

Ph.D. degree program
The doctoral degree requires a minimum of 36 credits of graduate course work, including 12 credits of Ph.D dissertation, 4 credits of requirements, and 20 credits of electives.Doctoral Students have to fulfill the advisor's request in academic achievements.

This program is included as a forest science branch in the Graduate Institute of Agriculture at NCYU and offered by the Department of Forestry and Natural Resources. The core courses offered are Seminar on Forest Research, Advanced Forest Ecosystem Management Algorithms, Advanced Remote Sensing Techniques and GIS for Natural Resources Management, Tree Core Analysis, Forest Health and Biomass Evaluation and Modeling, Advanced Silviculture and Tissue Culture Techniques, and Forest Ecosystem Evaluation.


Seminar on Forest Research (with series I, II, III, and IV)

Advanced Remote Sensing Methodology for Natural Resources Management
Integration of Spatial Information Techniques for Natural Resources Application
Special Topics on Silviculture
Special Topics on Forest Insect and Pest Control
Special Topics on Coastal Forest Management
Special Topics on Ecotourism
Special Topics on Vascular Plant Taxonomy
Special Topics on Genetics Engineering in Woody Species

Master Degree Program

The master's degree requires a minimum of 30 credits of graduate course work, including 6 credits of M.S. thesis, 6 credits of requirements, and 18 credits of electives.

The core courses offered at the department are as followings: Seminar on Forest Issues, Scientific Papers Reading,Spatial Information Techniques ( Remote Sensing and GIS for Natural Resources Inventory and Assessment), Advanced Silviculture , Plant Culture Techniques, and Forest Ecosystem Evaluation.


Seminar on Forest Issues (with series I, II, III, and IV)
Scientific Papers Reading in Forest Management/Sivilculture/Plant and Ecology (under Advisor supervising)

Advanced Dendrology
Advanced Forest Ecology
Advanced Forest Economics
Advanced Forest Ecosystem Management
Advanced Forest Genetic Engineering
Advanced Forest Physiological Ecology
Advanced Forest Policy
Advanced Forest Statistics
Advanced Forest Tree Mycorrhiza
Advanced Modern Silviculture
Advanced Plant Growth Regulators
Advanced Plant Taxonomy
Advanced Tree Disease Control
Applied Multivariate Analysis
Chemotaxonomy and Molecular Systematics
Digital Image Processing and Analysis
Distribution of Local Trees
Dynamics of Forest Stand
Environmental Forest Establishment
Forest Measurement and Modeling
Research Methods and Dissertation Writing
Spatial Data Analysis for Natural Resources Management

Bachelor Degree Program

The diploma of forest science requires a minimum of 128 credits of undergraduate course work, including 30 credits of Chinese/literatures/general science, 57 credits of requirements, and 41 credits of electives. Curriculums for forest science are listed as follow:


First year:
Botany, General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Soil Science, Silvics, Tree Morphology.

Second year:
Biometry, Botanical Microtechnique, Dendrology, Forest Surveying, Forest Pedology, Forest Measurement, Genetics, Plant Anatomy, Silviculture, Tree Physiology.

Third year:
Ecology, Forest Aerial Photogrammetry, Forest Biodiversity, Forest Pathology, Forest Policy, Forest Protection, Forest Recreation, Forest Wildlife Management, Forestry Experimental Design, Geographic Information Systems for Natural Resources, Introduction Forest wildlife, Introductory Remote Sensing, Junior Seminar, Ornithology, Plant Tissue Culture, Tree Mycorrhiza, Urban Forestry.

Fourth year:
Environment Forestry and Ethics, Forest Ecology, Forest Hydrology, Landscape Forestry, National Park Management, Natural Resources Conservation, Plant and Environmental Stress, Plant Biotechnology, Plant Taxonomy, Ecotourism, Senior Seminar, Soil and Water Conservation, Sustainable Forestry

* Download Files: * school year of 99.doc ( DOC ) / school year of 99.doc ( PDF )
* The Master program of 99.doc ( DOC ) / The Master program of 99.doc ( PDF )




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