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last update time 2024/01/10
:::* Home > Faculty > Dr. Kuen-Yih Ho, Professor

** Faculty

Kuen-Yih Ho

Name:Kuen-Yih Ho

Chinese Name:何坤益


Ph.D. Graduate Institute of Forest Science, National Chung Hsing University
M.S. Graduate Institute of Forest Science, National Chung Hsing University

Tel: +886-5-2717473                             Fax:+886-5-2717467

2002~2005 Assistant Researcher and Director of Chungpu Research Center
2001~2002 Assistant Researcher and Sub-Director of Chungpu Research Center
1993~2001 Assistant Researcher of Chungpu Research Center
1991~1992Assistant of Liouguei Research Center
Member:The Chinese Forestry Society
Republic of China Association of Environmental Greening

Specialty:Environmental forestry、Coastal Plant Ecology


Ho KY, Deng SL, Chang YH, Tsai CS, Kao MF, Hsiao JY. 2005. Genetic variation of endangered Scaevola hainanensis (Goodeniaceae) in the Jiangjun Stream mouth, Taiwan J For Sci.20(3):193-202(EI)。

Ho KY, Yang JC, Hsaio JY.  2002.  An assessment of genetic diversity and documentation of hybridization of Casuarina grown in Taiwan using RAPD markers. International Journal of plant sciences 163(5):831-836.(SCI)

Ho KY, Ou CH, Yang JC, Hsiao JY.  2002.  An assessment of DNA polymorphisms and genetic relationships of Casuarina equisetifolia using RAPD markers. Botanical Bulletin of Academia Sinica 43:93-98.(SCI)






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