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:::* Home > Faculty > Dr. Kun-Cheng Chang, Associate Professor

** Faculty


Dr. Kun-Cheng Chang


Title: Associate Professor

Address: No. 300 Syuefu Rd., Chiayi City 60004, Taiwan (R.O.C.)


Tel.: 886-5-2717473

Fax: 886-5-2717467



Ph.D., Forestry, National Chung Hsing University, Taichung City, Taiwan.

M.S., Graduate Institute of Forestry and Natural Resources, National Chiayi University, Chiayi City, Taiwan.

B.S. Forestry, National Chiayi University, Chiayi City, Taiwan.


Research Focuses

Dendrology, Plant taxonomy, Phytochorology of local plants, Pollen morphology, Natural resources conservation, Ethnobiology, Ornamental plants, Medicinal plants, Ecotourism, Environmental education and interpretation.



Dendrology (I) (II), Practice of Dendrology (I) (II), Forest field practice (I)-Dendrology, Advanced Dendrology, Taxonomy of flowering plants, Special topics on plant taxonomy, Ornamental plants, Phytochorology of local woody plants, Morphological anatomy of tree and laboratory, Plant and life (General Education), General Survey of Forestry (I), Guidance of scientific paper.


Dendrology Lab.:


Position Held

2014  Landscaping adviser, Chayi City Government. 

2014  Evaluator, National Senior High School Agricultural Skill Competition.

2012~     Assistant professor, Department of Forestry and Natural Resources, National Chiayi University.

2011~    Adviser, Pine MapleEcological Consultant Co., Ltd.

2008~2010 Adjunct Lecturer, Center for General Education, Feng Chia University.

2001~2006 Voluntary interpreters, Taroko National Park.



Journal Articles

1.          Wang, Chiu-Mei and Kun-Cheng Chang* 2014 Two Newly Naturalized Plants of the Boraginaceae in Taiwan: Trichodesma indicum (L.) Lehm. and Trichodesma zeylanicum (Burm.f.) R. Br. Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 29(2):103-110. (EI) (corresponding author)

2.          Hsu, Tsai-Wen, Chiu-Mei Wang, Kun-Cheng Chang, Tung-Chi Ho* 2013 Zanthoxylum acanthopodium DC. (Rutaceae), a Newly Recorded Plant in Taiwan. Taiwan Journal of Biodiversity 15(4): 323-329.

3.          Chang, Kun-Cheng, Hui-Lung Chiu*, Yen-Hsueh Tseng and Shu-Lin Deng 2012 Phylogeny and taxonomic study of Eriobotrya deflexa in Taiwan. Journal of Taiwan Agricultural Research 61(1): 12-28.

4.          Chang, Kun-Cheng, Chih-Chiang Wang, Shu-Lin Deng, Yoshiko Kono, Fu-Yuan Lu, and Ching-I Peng* 2011 Cotoneaster rosiflorus (Rosaceae), a new species from Taiwan. Botanical Studies 52(2): 211-218. (SCI)

5.          Wang, Chih-Chiang, Yen-Hsueh Tseng, Yun-Tsao Chen, and Kun-Cheng Chang* 2011. A New Species of Memecylon (Melastomataceae) from Taiwan. Novon 21(2): 278-280. (SCI) (corresponding author)

6.          Chang, Kun-Cheng, Chiu-Mei Wang, Shu-Lin Deng, and Chih-Chiang Wang* 2011 A new species Cotoneaster chingshuiensis (Rosaceae) from Taiwan. Taiwania 56(2): 125-131.

7.          Deng, Shu-Lin*, Yen-Ray Hsui, Fu-Yuan Lu, Kun-Cheng Chang, Yi-Hsuan Chang and Hsin-Chin Wu 2011 Population Genetic Variation of Barringtonia Asiatica between Hengchun Peninsula and Lanyu. Journal of the Agricultural Association of Taiwan 12(4): 364-381.

8.          張坤城、王志強* 2009. 臺灣玉葉金花再發現. 自然保育季刊 66: 43-46.

9.          Chang, Kun-Cheng, Kwo-Shang Lai, Fu-Yuan Lu, Chih-Chiang Wang* 2009 Corrections in Cotoneaster (Rosaceae) in Taiwan. Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 24(1): 69-74. (EI)

10.     Chang, Kun-Cheng, Yen-Hsueh Tseng, Chin-Chiang Wang, Shu-Lin Deng, Chiu-Mei Wang* 2008 Note on Neanotis (Rubiaceae) in Taiwan.  Taiwan Journal of Forest Science 23(3): 271-277. (EI)

11.     Deng, Shu-Lin*, Fu-Yuan Lu, Yeong-Chium Sen, Cheng-Yi Cheng and Kun-Cheng Chang 2008 Population genetic variation of pemphis acidula among Taiwan and its nearby islands. Quarterly Journal of Chinese Forestry 41(2): 149-164.

12.     Wu, Wen-Shiung, Fu-Yuan Lu, Shu-Lin Deng*, Kun-Cheng Chang, Shu-Hui Hu and Yu-Wen Kuo 2007 Vegetation of Rueitai Region in Alishan National Scenic Area. Quarterly Journal of Forest Research 29(4): 11-20.

13.     張坤城、羅昱超、王俊閔、呂碧鳳、王志強* 2007 清水山稀有植物調查初探.  自然保育季刊 60: 45-54.

14.     張坤城*、王俊閔、許國暄 2007 低地荒野中的稀有植物-合子草. 自然保育季刊 59: 34-37.

15.     羅昱超*、葉蘭芳、張坤城、呂福原 2007 北鄒族之民族植物. 自然保育季刊  58: 27-31.

16.     張坤城*、傅靜芳、王燕惠、呂福原 2006 臺灣野梨的身世之謎-談臺灣原生梨屬植物的分類. 自然保育季刊 53: 36-39.

17.     張坤城、王燕惠、呂福原、鄧書麟* 2006 臺灣棋盤腳屬植物之開花授粉與物候介紹. 自然保育季刊 53(1): 32-35.

18.     Tien, Ynug-Jon, Shu-Lin Deng*, Fu-Yuan Lu, Kuen-Yih Ho and Kun-Cheng Chang 2005 Pioneer vegetation in the landslide areas of the low altitude in Chiayi county. Quarterly Journal of Chinese Forestry 38(1): 49-65.

19.     Lu, Fu-Yuan, Kun-Cheng Chang* and Kwo-Shang Lai 2005 Cotoneaster dammeri Schneid. (Rosaceae) : A new record to the flora of Taiwan. Taiwania 50(1): 57-61. (corresponding author)


Conference proceedings

1.      Yu-Chun Syu, Yi-Lin Fang, Wei-Cian Syu and Kun-Cheng Chang* 2014 Invaded ranges and hybridization investigation of Cinnamomum burmannii in Taiwan. 2014平地造林試驗研究監測研討會. Taipei.

2.      陳盈縈、呂福原、蔡佺廷、張坤城*、林建宗* 2014 臺灣產金粟蘭科之化學分類研究. 中華林產事業協會學術論文暨研究成果研討會. 臺中.

3.      Lin, Rong, Kun-Cheng Chang*, Shu-Lin Deng and Fu-Yuan Lu 2014 Taxonomic Studies of Paederia (Rubiaceae) in Taiwan. 2014 Annual Conference of TSPS & Symposium on Plant Biodiversity and Systematics. Taipei.

4.      Wang, Feng-Tien, Kun-Cheng Chang*, Shu-Lin Deng and Fu-Yuan Lu 2014 Taxonomic Studies of Vaccinium (Ericaceae) in Taiwan. 2014 Annual Conference of TSPS & Symposium on Plant Biodiversity and Systematics. Taipei.

5.      Chen, Ying-Ying, Kun-Cheng Chang*, Chien-Tsong Lin and Fu-Yuan Lu 2014 Taxonomic Study of Chloranthaceae in Taiwan. 2014 Annual Conference of TSPS & Symposium on Plant Biodiversity and Systematics. Taipei.

6.      楊倩如、鄧書麟、許原瑞、張坤城 2013 臺灣與日本地區瓊崖海棠族群之遺傳變異 中華林學會102年度學術論文發表會. 臺北.

7.      林育慧、張坤城、林瑞進 2013凹葉越橘根菌結合體及內生菌之初探 中華林學會102年度學術論文發表會. 臺北.

8.      Shih, Sin-Hong and Kun-Cheng Chang* 2013 Taxonomic Study of Microtropis (Celastraceae) in Taiwan. 2013 Annual Conference of TSPS & Symposium on Plant Biodiversity and Systematics. Taipei.

9.      張坤城 2005 臺灣栒子屬植物分類研究. 海峽兩岸森林植物學術研討會. 北京.



1.      張坤城、何坤益、周欣怡、施瑞森 2014 嘉義大學社口林場植物資源解說手冊 行政院農委會林務局.

2.      王志強、張坤城、廖冠茵  2010 知本綠蹤:知本國家森林遊樂區植物解說手冊(花草篇)  行政院農委會林務局 254 pp. (國家出版品獎入選獎)

3.      王志強、張坤城、廖冠茵 2008 知本綠蹤:知本國家森林遊樂區植物解說手冊(樹木篇)  行政院農委會林務局臺東林管處 250 pp.

4.      歐辰雄、張坤城 2007 二水臺灣獼猴生態教育園區植物解說手冊(二). 林務局南投林區管理處 176 pp.

5.      呂福原、彭仁傑、張坤城、郭育玟、薛燕璘 2005 瑞太古道解說導覽手冊. 林務局嘉義林管處 63 pp.




Thesis Title



Chung-Liang Cheng




N-Lian Zu




Hsin-I Chou




Chien-Ju Yang




Jong-Bo Lee




Huan-sheng Lee




Ying-Ying Chen




Sin-Hong Shih

Taxonomic Study of Microtropis (Celastraceae) in Taiwan



Rong Lin

Taxonomic Studies of Paederia (Rubiaceae) in Taiwan



Ying-Ying Chen

Taxonomic Study of Chloranthaceae in Taiwan



Feng-Tien Wang

Taxonomic Studies of Vaccinium (Ericaceae) in Taiwan



Wei-Cian Syu




Yi-Lin Fang




Chung-Jen Lin




Yu-Shan Wu




Yu-Chun Syu









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