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last update time 2024/01/10
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** Course Description

Create Date:2010-08-25
Update Date:2010-08-27
Bracket:Dr. Yue Ken Liao, Associate Prof.
Department:Department of Forestry


Genetics (2 credits, 2 hrs/weeks)


To introduce the concepts and theory of basic Genetics, which include the major issues of Molecular Genetics, Mendel Genetics and Population Genetics.  The course will cover the topics of DNA/RNA structures, DNA replication, transcription, translation, protein structures and Bacterial Genetics in the first part of the course.  The second part of the course will discuss the functions and interactions of different genes in the cells which gives us a wonderful ecosystem with high bio-diversity.  The final portion of the course will introduce some basic ideas of the dynamic of population.  Gene and genotype frequency, Hardy-Weinberg law, gene flow and genetic drift will be discussed in the final topics.





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